Anglers Marine 2013 Bass A Thon, Page 1

rd shop th at the anaheim November 23 & 24 professional main stage speakers workshop speakers:

Southern fishing ▶ rusty Brown - us open Champion California’S seminars, ▶ BuB tosh Premier Boat tackle expo ▶ Brent ehrler - speCial workshop on DealerShiP

Go pro Cameras & boat show



over 100 tackle companies will be displaying their latest and greatest product featuring

eXCluSiVe SPeCial offerS & DiSCountS

JaSon ChriStie

aaron martenS

GeralD SwinDle

ruSty Brown

Photo by George Kramer

lowranCe eleCtroniCS uniVerSity

you would pay hundreds to attend anywhere else.

free for our CuStomerS, only at the BaSS-a-thon