What Drives Fishermen by Jen Edgar

What Drives Fishermen by Jen Edgar




what drives


here are many types of fishermen; all are

driven to the lake by several motivations.

I interviewed three avid anglers whose

fishing styles differ somewhat, yet have a lot in common in their pursuit of the many species of

black bass.

A rare breed of fisherman, or rather outdoorsman, still exists today . Avid fishermen, who are more in tune with nature, an ecosystem as a whole, spend most their time outdoors, don’t post to a social media site and don’t buy into all the latest and greatest. These anglers do the unexpected, because they have a ‘why not?’ mindset.


Brad Kowalski is an angler who learns by watching nature. Brad grew up fishing the Delta, and East Bay impoundments where tons of giant bass roamed. It was in his childhood, fishing these waterways that he realized bass would eat anything; so his natural instinct to make alterations with baits always gave him an edge.

He also crafts custom made lures of all shapes, sizes and colors and said, “I want to create a bite no one even knows exists.” He doesn’t do it for any monetary gain or mass recognition; he does it for himself, friends and the ability to make something out of necessity.

He knows the best time to catch fish is pre- storm conditions, but has learned to watch nature
