Westernbass Magazine - Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - December 2012, Page 43

Westernbass Magazine - Bass Fishing Tips And Techniques - December 2012, Page 43

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to the interviewer as to why you should get the job. if you’re married, think of how you asked your wife to marry you. That was great salesmanship if she said yes! if you believe in the product or service you are representing then it is easy to explain the benefits and why someone should try it. Think back to the last big bass you caught. When you told people about the lure you caught it on i bet some of the people

you told went out and got the lure and you didn’t even get paid for that salesmanship. Be loyal, honest and enthusiastic and the product will sell itself. There is a difference between contacting a company and saying, “look at what i’ve done in the past” and saying “look at what i can do to bring you more business.” Focus your proposal on what the company can expect from you that will increase their business. Your approach can be the difference between a “Yes” and a “no”. if you get a “no” don’t be discouraged. You may hear many no’s before you hear a Yes. Just be patient and persistent. educate yourself on the product or service that the company provides. Sometimes when you contact a company the timing is wrong for that company so the no doesn’t mean they don’t like you personally or your proposal, it just means that the timing isn’t right for them. Maybe it is the middle of their budget year and the timing isn’t right for them to add a pro staff position. Wait a few months and re- submit your proposal. timing can make a big difference. You may need to do a little research to find the right person to be talking to.

how to

Issue 6

December 2012