

  • Simms United We Fish T-Shirt

    Simms United We Fish T-Shirt

    Web Exclusive

  • 11th Fisheries Economics of the United States report released

    11th Fisheries Economics of the United States report released

    U.S. Fisheries Supported 1.7 Million Jobs in 2016 Today, NOAA released the 11th Fisheries Economics of the United States report which provides the most up-to-date economic statistics on commercial and recreational fisheries as well as seafood-related businesses for each coastal state and the nation.

  • 50 plus groups united to demand stronger Bay-Delta flow standards

    50 plus groups united to demand stronger Bay-Delta flow standards

    On July 26, a coalition of organizations from fishing, environmental, tribal, Delta, and business communities submitted a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) demanding stronger flow standards in its update of the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan—a document that sets regulatory standards for water quality and flow criteria in Central Valley Rivers and the San Francisco Bay Estuary, including the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

  • Scientists Mapping Aquatic Species of Western United States

    Scientists Mapping Aquatic Species of Western United States

    Scientists plan to create a biodiversity map identifying thousands of aquatic species in every river and stream in the western U.S.