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Joined: Sun May 08, 2005 8:06 pm
Location: Wheatland, CA


Post by Basslab »

This guy worked at the pickle factory for 15 years and finally comes home early one day and his surprised wife asks why he was home so early to which he replied that he got fired. She jokingly said that was not possible as he had been selected as employee of the year for the past 5 years and his entire life evolved around the factory. He continued by stating that in his position he was able to work very hard for 45 minutes and then "daydream" for the next 15 minutes and during this time he kept visualizing placing his penis in the pickle slicer. This thought persisted to the point that he couldn't resist the urge and as he placed his penis in the pickle slicer, his boss walked in on him and fired him on the spot. The wife jumped to her feet and pulled his pants down to check for what was left and found everything in place. She looked up and asked what happened to the pickle slicer to which he stated...
...........she also got fired !!!!
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