Which team will be crowned King or Queen of the California Delta?
Which team will be crowned King or Queen of the California Delta?
Coming up February 15th we kick off the Golden Muscle Region on the California Delta. This is an open region with a seperate TOC!
Golden Mussels - Delta - Feb 15, 2025
Tournament Director
Randy Pringle
5001 Soave Ct.
Salida, CA 95368
(209) 543-6260
Tournament: Delta
Date: 2/15/2025
Body of Water: CA Delta
Launch Location: Russo's
I know that this Golden Mussel has thrown a curveball for everyone. Best Bass Tournaments has an idea we're starting a new Golden Mussel Region which will be the first time in history for Best Bass Tournaments. I am starting an open region, all pros, guides and amateurs, anyone that wants to fish can fish this region. This will only be on the California Delta. There will be 4 events plus a TOC.
Golden Mussel T.O.C. Sept 13 and 14
Where ? The DELTA Russo's
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.bestbasstournaments.com/doc ... 202025.pdf
Re: Which team will be crowned King or Queen of the California Delta?
For you regular BBT anglers this will be unique for you. If you fish this region it will count towards your Travelers to help if you need 7 tournaments to get to the 2025 TOC, or you just want to see how you stand up to the best of the best on the California Delta.
This region will be interlinked on the Best Bass Tournaments database. The Golden Mussel Region will have a membership fee of $60.00 like the rest of the BBT regions. This region will have its own Tournament Of Champion to crown the new King or Queen of the California Delta teams. All rules will apply for the region with the exception that the pros cannot fish Best Bass Tournaments events. The cost of this event will be $350, this will also pay 3 positions on Big Fish.
What I am trying to do here in a nutshell is give anglers a place to play. If it works out we will expand the region the following year. Anglers that are having problems with work and not being able to get your Golden Mussel decontamination done because you were fishing the Delta or any other body of water, or you just don't have any time to do it, this is a region that may help you make up an event or two or all of them. More information to come.
There has been changes on the BBT schedule for the 2025 season in the Delta Wine, Mother Lode and Northern regions so make sure you check the dates as dates and lakes have been changed due to the Golden Mussel issue.
Golden Mussel T.O.C. Sept 13 and 14
Where ? The DELTA Russo's
More Golden Mussel Region Info
This region will be interlinked on the Best Bass Tournaments database. The Golden Mussel Region will have a membership fee of $60.00 like the rest of the BBT regions. This region will have its own Tournament Of Champion to crown the new King or Queen of the California Delta teams. All rules will apply for the region with the exception that the pros cannot fish Best Bass Tournaments events. The cost of this event will be $350, this will also pay 3 positions on Big Fish.
What I am trying to do here in a nutshell is give anglers a place to play. If it works out we will expand the region the following year. Anglers that are having problems with work and not being able to get your Golden Mussel decontamination done because you were fishing the Delta or any other body of water, or you just don't have any time to do it, this is a region that may help you make up an event or two or all of them. More information to come.
There has been changes on the BBT schedule for the 2025 season in the Delta Wine, Mother Lode and Northern regions so make sure you check the dates as dates and lakes have been changed due to the Golden Mussel issue.
Golden Mussel T.O.C. Sept 13 and 14
Where ? The DELTA Russo's
More Golden Mussel Region Info
Re: Which team will be crowned King or Queen of the California Delta?
More information for the Golden Mussel Region
This region will have 4 events this year for the 2025 season.
The Tournament of Champions will be on
September the 13th and 14th of 2025
Where: Delta Russo's.
How will you determine the number of teams that will be attending the TOC?
This will depend on participation, more boats more teams.
How can I enter this tournament?
Just like any other BBT events. You can sign up online the way the system works it will only allow to charge the maximum of $250 because that's the maximum for a regular BBT tournament. If I change one, I have to change them all the same way. So the Golden Mussel group pay the $250 all in you will not have to pay a late fee but you will pay the remaining $100 in cash at the event. The total would be $350. If you want to come and pay in cash at the event it will be $360 total.
How do you do the payout Randy ?
The big fish pool money will be paid 3 spots - 50% 30% 20%, everybody will be in this pool. $50 per team that will come out of the $350 entry.
The payout will be I in 5 paid teams. For every 5 paid entry’s I pay 1.
When do you get paid? Right after the event is done, SAME DAY kind of a unique concept.
This region will have 4 events this year for the 2025 season.
The Tournament of Champions will be on
September the 13th and 14th of 2025
Where: Delta Russo's.
How will you determine the number of teams that will be attending the TOC?
This will depend on participation, more boats more teams.
How can I enter this tournament?
Just like any other BBT events. You can sign up online the way the system works it will only allow to charge the maximum of $250 because that's the maximum for a regular BBT tournament. If I change one, I have to change them all the same way. So the Golden Mussel group pay the $250 all in you will not have to pay a late fee but you will pay the remaining $100 in cash at the event. The total would be $350. If you want to come and pay in cash at the event it will be $360 total.
How do you do the payout Randy ?
The big fish pool money will be paid 3 spots - 50% 30% 20%, everybody will be in this pool. $50 per team that will come out of the $350 entry.
The payout will be I in 5 paid teams. For every 5 paid entry’s I pay 1.
When do you get paid? Right after the event is done, SAME DAY kind of a unique concept.
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