I have been a 49er/Raider Fan and all Bay Area Sports since 1957. It is a shame that the Raiders got screwed so many times in Title games due to the "Ref's" East Coast Bias. The 49ers have been screwed just as many times in important games and due to the same "East Coast Bias" by the Ref's. Maybe things will change as this 49er team enters this era of the 2011's. Case in point: how is it Cliff Branch and John Taylor have not been inducted into the Hall of Fame and Lynn (Crybaby) Swann, John Stallworth and Loudmouth Michael Irving are all in???? Cliff and John don't wear earrings, don't frequent Strip Clubs have not been arrested for Conduct Unbecoming of a NFL player like one of the 3 above has.
One thing has to be changed in the past history of the Championship game in 1981 against the Dallas Cowboys. Everyone thinks that the "Catch" between Montana and Clark was the turning point of 49er Championship history but it was only part one of the three parts to that game. One was the Catch, two was the Tackle and three was the Fumble. You have to remember that Dallas had 51 seconds remaining on the clock when they took over on Offense. The only thing that the 49ers had going was Danny White being the Quarterback. He had never brought Dallas back in a crucial game like Roger Staubach had; remember the reception that Drew Pearson caught against the Minnesota Vikings? Anyway, White through a pass the Pearson and as he caught it Eric Wright and Carlton Williamson collided and had Eric Wright not been right on Pearson's *** he would had scored or put Dallas in position to kick a Field Goal. Eric grabbed Pearson by his Shoulder Pads from the back and prevented him from advancing any further.
On the next play White faded back to pass and was hit by Lawrence Pillars and caused the "Fumble" that ended any change of Dallas from doing any miracle finish or maybe a lousy call from one of the Ref's. Check out the game and see the calls the Ref's made during that game; it was a bit scary to say the least.
So, let's get the wording of the title correct: "The Catch, The Tackle and the Fumble"!! If you asked Ronny Lott to this day how things should be worded and I would be he would agree on the change. I was never a fan of Steve Young because he never really got "Monkey off of his back". He had a chance to win at least 3 Super Bowl title during his tenure as QB for the Niners in the 90's. He won that one but a third string QB could have won that SB with the team the 49er's had that year.
I hope the Niners win this weekend but I am not that convinced that Smith is ready "Mentally" as a leader of the 49ers, let's see what happens on Sunday.
The "Catch" title has to be updated!!!
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- Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:38 am
- Location: Elk Grove, California
The "Catch" title has to be updated!!!
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