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Fishing Oroville Lake 11/29/2017

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:45 am
by Tom Gronwall
Alarm off at 5 am as always, turn the coffee on and open the door for the cat and hear WIND blowing in the trees and give the hooked up boat and trailer a glance and say, got to be kidding me, can't take my little boat on the water at Bidwell, going to have waves for a few hours. So, drinking coffee thinking about the structure that wend back under water with the last few storm. Now 701.57 feet, right where the water was when Fish were hanging on a drop off about a month ago. Looks like we got a fair boost in water, up 12.11 feet from low water mark a few weeks ago. Should be about a half a foot from the tip of Lime saddle ramp. Try again next week!!