6 Times Legal Limit of Trout Found on Fisherman

Fisherman caught with 6 times legal limit of trout near Enderby, B.C.

"If stuff like this is going on out there, in a couple of weekends that lake would be dead"

CBC News

An Okanagan man netted $1,100 in fines after catching more than six times the legal limit of rainbow trout on Saturday.

B.C. Conservation Service officers received a tip that a group of three men were fishing over their limit at Gardom Lake, near Enderby B.C.

Two officers went to the lake and watched the trio fish and spoke with the group as they were heading back to the boat launch.

"One of the individuals actually tossed a bag over the side of the boat that had fish in it," said Eric Tyukodi, one of the conservation officers involved with the incident.

Read the rest of the story at CBC News here: