New Mexico Lake Fishing Report

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
Abiquiu Lake
Water Temp: 71
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: caught them on weightless flukes houdini on the delta ca
Tips: use 15lbs line and fast action tip
Friday, April 20th, 2012
Brantley Lake
Water Temp: 67*F
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Few to no fish left in the lake. Ran deep and shallows, all areas of the lake. Fish finder made 5 alerts all day. Lake is on catch and release only, due to levels of DDT found. This used to be an outstanding lake for fishing, hopefully it comes back around. Not bad at this time for boating and water sports. Max. depth was at 32 ft, so it is filling up.
Wednesday, May 19th, 2010
Caballo Lake
Water Temp: 55=60
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Crappie are very active eariy and late in the day. Jigging in the rocks during the day has been very productive.
City: Las CrucesTips: white two inch jigs with a pink or green head have been working great.
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009
Abiquiu Lake
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Red Fish - Blue Skies in Georgia <BR> <BR>Red fish, black drum, and blue skies that is. Steve Cone generally spends his days fishing with his two sons Steven Jr. and James Allen. He gives advice to the boys while taking pictures and video all from the back of the skiff. Well Thursday was a different story! Having watched both his sons catch redfish on fly, Steve himself had never caught one himself. All that was about to change. Steve arrived at the dock with Frank at 8am. It was 28 degree's and even know it was only 2 degree's warmer than the day before the skies were clear and the wind was calm. Our first stop proved to be a good one. As we approached the flat we could see the fish pushing along the bank. We tied on a small shrimp pattern and moved in. The fish charged the boat and as Frank started his cast they spooked. We stopped and waited for the fish to move back toward us. They were rising like rolling tarpon eating tiny fish off the surface. We moved into position and the fish headed back our way. This time Frank made a long cast far in front of the fish. One ate and Frank set the hook. As fast as the rod bent it unbent and the fish was gone. <BR> <BR>January 22, 2009 <BR> <BR>Article Pictures: <a href="">Red Fish - Blue Skies in Georgia</a> <BR> <BR>Captain Scott Owens <BR>877-605-3474 <BR><a href="">St Simons Island Fishing</a>
City: St Simons Island
Saturday, March 15th, 2008
Conchas Lake
Water Temp: 42-44
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Fishing was good. Anglers caught a lot of bass on crank baits. Water was clear, however the lake level is down. Noth Dock Marina area was great for large mouth.
City: Holloman AFB / Alamogordo NM
Tuesday, January 1st, 2008
Abiquiu Lake
Water Temp: t421t
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: c239t
City: t421t -
Water Temp: String
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: <a href="">flat flat buy apartament</a>
City: StringTips: <a href="">flat flat buy apartament</a>
Water Temp: String
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk <a href="">nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk</a> nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk
City: StringTips: nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk <a href="">nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk</a> nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk nedvizhimost sdayu tomsk
Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
Elephant Butte Lake
Water Temp: approx. 50
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: I had a great day this day. Weather had warmed up into the high 60's. Started off with a jig and pig. Fished seemed aggressive all morning so I picked up my trusty Nichols spinnerbait and started working shorlines next to deep water. Picked up several small largemouth and about 4 small smallmouth. At about 1:00pm, I landed a nice 2.8 lb. smallie. About 10 minutes later a nice 2.5 lb. largmouth. Next cast, a 2.9 lb. largemouth. 25-30 minutes later a 4.9 lb. smallmouth, my best ever in E.B.. I continued to catch some small fish then at about 3:30 pm I hooking into a toad. Fought like mad and then landed a 6.8 lb largmouth. This turned out to be one of the best days I have had at E.B. since the water dropped dramatically about 5-6 years ago. Too bad I was not in a tournament! I hope this is a sign of things to come. Went up on 1-6-08 but had boat trouble. Did not get to fish. Will be up on 2-11-08 if it is not too cold.
City: El Paso
Sunday, August 26th, 2007
Navajo Lake
Water Temp: 75
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fishing is faily good on the main lake. Many small mouth are being taken with several pike between times. Small mouth are averaging 2-3 lbs. Not many large mouth, but they are around.
City: Aztec, NMTips: Many small mouth are being taken on shallow flats with drop shot rigs with Scooter Baits. Any where from 25 foot to 10 foot of water. Large mouth seem to be laying up around sheer rock walls looking for bait fish. A spinner bait has worked well on small and large mouth along with the infamous pike. Pike are good eating, so take them out of the lake and home to grill! Good fishing! K.
Friday, September 29th, 2006
Abiquiu Lake
Water Temp: 1
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: <a href= >957227193</a> [url=]957227193[/url] 957227193
City: chicagoTips: <a href= >957227193</a> [url=]957227193[/url] 957227193
Friday, April 21st, 2006
Caballo Lake
Water Temp: cold
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Real windy on the lake, the tempature was still pretty cold. My father in-law and i tried a variety of lures as well as minos with no luck. i pulled in a small walleye but I think that was more by chance. If Anyone has any tips plase post so we all know.
City: las Cruces
Monday, December 26th, 2005
Conchas Lake
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: I caught 2 23 inch walleye on a pink jig with a wight head will troling 30 feet down and at about 4mph. i also got a 12 pound bass using a green salted tube at about 10-15 feet down.
City: albuquequerTips: fish deep and with bright colored jigs for walleyes and fish shalow with murky tubes for bass. good luck
Sunday, March 6th, 2005
Ute Lake
Water Temp: 48 on main lake
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Ute starting to finally warm up. Blacks and smallies are on main lake points and secondaries in coves. Mesquites on gravel points with suspending rogues and pointers seem to work best. Crankbaits and jigs on the rocky points will work for secondary pattern.
City: dalhart
Saturday, August 14th, 2004
Santa Rosa Lake
Water Temp: unk
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Fishing was slow. A few small panfish but that was about it. Tried several methods, from jigs to bottom fishing. Looking to find new spots at this lake. please e-mail me with any info.
City: AlbuquerqueTips: nothing really worked.
Monday, April 28th, 2003
Ute Lake
Water Temp: 55-60 ???
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Smallmouth and Largemouth were air to good rom the bank in Mine Canyon and Rogers area this weekend. (2-8 oot) holding tight to cover (boulders, standing timber, laydown shrubs)Walleye ishing was good rom the bank in the Rogers area. (4-15 oot) seemed like they were just roaming the bottom, bite seemed to pick up shallower between noon and 3 PM.
City: AlbuquerqueTips: Crankbaits and lizards didn't seem to work in a variety o colors and depths. Didn't ind a particular pattern other than white seemed to be the color the bass and walleye were looking or. All smallmouth and walleye's came on 3.5" White tube with 1/8 oz. sinker texas rigged with wide-gapped 2/0 hooks. Tried a variety o plastics, but white tubes turned out to be key or all species. Caught one Lg Mouth on a clown colored jerkbait. Red crankbaits and white spinners got the attention o 4 or 5 walleye but they wouldn't strike, only ollow it and then turn o. Smallies and Lg Mouths wanted a real slow, hop it 6" and pause presentation. Walleyes seemed to like a larger hop o the bottom and were not hitting as aggressively as the bass, but their strikes were deinitely more plentiul.
Monday, September 2nd, 2002
Abiquiu Lake
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: was no good useing lures tryed using worms no good power bait no good spoons no good was not biting
Saturday, January 26th, 2002
Navajo Lake
Water Temp: 58-74
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: This report is or Morgan Resevoior. Since Morgan is not listed I have put it under Navajo. The water is clear to stained and warm. The bass are moving. Sot plastics seem to be working the best. A Carolina rigged senko and tubes pulled in a couple today. Rumor has it, they may be heading or spawn. We have seen a couple bruised tails and some site ishing. Remember since Morgan stays warm year round, there are two spawn seasons. Have un and ish hard! (even i you are on Morgan, remember to dress warm, only the water is warm.) Balmy 45 surace temp today.
City: Farmington
Sunday, September 16th, 2001
Elephant Butte Lake
Water Temp: 73
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Fished the Bass Bums yearly team tournament and things were pretty slow. Most people weighed in a couple o small ish each day. Algae bloom everyday starting around 10am made things tough. Most o our ish came on tubes (smoke/pepper) T-rigged or Pop'Rs in the early morning. Also got a keeper splitshotting a mourning dawn worm by the dam. My partner stuck a 6.65 largemnouth with 20 minutes to go beore Sundays weigh in and that gave us irst place with a little over 10 pounds and big bass or the weekend. Whenever the striper and white bass started busting shad around us the smallie bite would go away and we would have to move to a new spot.
City: Albuquerque
Saturday, June 16th, 2001
Conchas Lake
Water Temp: 73
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Started with a white buzzbait till about 9:30am and had a nice smallie and a 16+" largemounth (both came between 8+9am). Lot's o dinks. Switched to Senko's and caught another keeper smallie and more dinks. Once the boat traic got bad ished main lake points with yamamoto grubs in smoke colors and caught my best smallie o the day and a lot dinks again with some 13" largemouths. Overall enough bites to keep things interesting all day.
City: AlbuquerqueTips: Top water irst thing till you can't move you arm anymore.