Giant Swamp Rat in the Delta
This species, native to South America, was first discovered in California near Merced in 2017.
Baits for Delta Fall to Winter and Beyond
The California Delta is a world-renowned bass fishery full of big ones, but it can be a little stingy during the colder times of the year. Still, the chance for a monster is always there, which keeps anglers returning every month of the year, according to Delta ace Ken Mah. He keeps his approach simple each winter, with a handful of techniques while looking for key areas that hold bass in the cold.
Delta Tunnels Back - Voted to spend $141 million on Delta tunnel project
California water agency votes to spend $141 million on Delta tunnel project
Delta Voting Dec 10
We want to affirm that an opportunity for collaboration between the Delta and Southern California is genuine
EPA urges California to protect Native culture by keeping more water in the Delta
the troubled heart of the state’s water supply
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