Washington Lake Fishing Report

Saturday, October 15th, 2016
Moses Lake
Report: by ttb31183 » Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:48 am
Moses Lake is one of the best in the state for both largemouth and smallmouth. It's full of big ones.
Largemouth fishing can be done several ways and there are plenty of docks, wood, tules and grass to flip and pitch. ChatterBaits also work excellent.
Smallmouth fishing is also great there. I like to crank rocks there and there are plenty of places to do that. The lake is almost always very stained but finesse stuff still works. Usually though, pitching dark jigs and fishing craw or red pattern cranks works the best.
Check out the Navionics WebApp on the Navionics website, it shows many of the great points, rocks and islands where the smallmouth will be.
Monday, October 3rd, 2016
Pend Orielle River
Report: by ttb31183 » Mon Oct 03, 2016 1:34 pm
Our October tournament was held on the Pend Oreille River out of Willow Bay. The anglers were able to fish the river as well as the lake. The morning started off with foggy conditions and turned out to be a good day in terms of number of fish caught.
Broc Allen took the win for the second month in a row with a 11.22 limit of smallmouth that included the biggest bass of the tournament at 4.76lbs. He had a lead in the angler of the year points going in and extended it this weekend.
Second place was Ver Don Nelson with a 10.57lb limit of all smallmouth.
Third was Steve Krestian with a 10.24lb limit that was also all smallmouth.
Just four largemouth were brought to the scales as these waters require a 16 inch minimum and many smallmouth to target instead.
Pix: http://www.westernbass.com/forum/post569722.html#p569722
Monday, September 26th, 2016
Long Lake - Spokane
Report: by ttb31183 » Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:15 am
The Buchanan Bass Battle is an annual event in the inland Pacific Northwest. It features a competition between the three clubs in the area, the Inland Empire Bass Club (Spokane), Idaho Panhandle Bass Anglers (CDA area) and the Spokane Bass Club. The idea came about after the unfortunate passing of bass angler Hardy Buchanan. He wanted all of the local clubs to get to know each other better and have an annual competition to bring everyone together.
Now, the three clubs run the event and the Buchanan family helps to run the event each year. It is a great event with an awesome raffle and plenty of fun between everyone. The tournament is an average finish of the clubs.
This year the event was hosted by Inland Empire and they chose Long Lake as the venue. It was tough fishing, but that didn't stop everyone from having a great time.
The results were:
Spokane Bass Club 9.46lb avg.
Idaho PBA: 9.30lb avg.
IEBC: 6.87lb avg.
Spokane Bass Club is the winner for the year and gets this plaque for the year. SBC will also host and select the next event in 2017 and it should be another great tournament.
Pix http://www.westernbass.com/forum/post569430.html#p569430
Monday, September 12th, 2016
Moses Lake
Report: by ttb31183 » Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:43 pm
Moses Lake proved to be a challenge to the 24 anglers who competed in our annual two day event. The wind, algae bloom and seasonal transition all affected the fishing. In total, only six limits were brought in over the two days of fishing.
Broc Allen was able to get a limit both days and won the event with a two day total of 21.89. He had 12.85 on the first day and 9.04 on the final day. He won a total of $375 for his finish.
Second place was David Slater. He led the first day with a 13.70lb limit and brought two fish for 3.45lbs on the second day. He had a total of 16.89lbs and won $225.
Third place was non-boater Cameron Akins. He had a 10.99lb limit the first day and two solid fish for 5.90lbs on Day 2. He won $150 for his finish.
The biggest fish on the first day is also the biggest smallmouth of the season so far, a 5.22lb fish caught by Josh Kilmer. He won $120 for his big smallie.
Chase Heaton won big fish on Day 2 with a 3.85lb smallmouth that also earned him $120.
Pix http://www.westernbass.com/forum/post568801.html#p568801
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Moses Lake
Report: by ttb31183 » Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:45 pm
The second of three qualifiers in the Washington TBF series was held last weekend on Moses Lake. This is a lake known for big bass and springtime conditions bring out the giants. This however, wasn't spring, and the fishing proved to be very tough for many. Even still, it took a two day total of 36lbs to win the event.
Taking first was Dave Griffis, who also won the first event on Lake Chelan. He had a mixed bag each day but had two kicker largemouth the first day to get him to 19lbs.
Wes Wezenberg finished second with 31.43lbs. His 17lb bag on Day 2 shot him up the standings and this was thanks to the big bass of the tournament, a 6.29lb largemouth.
Third place was Tyler Brinks with 25.50lbs of all smallmouth. He caught them cranking and throwing a drop-shot.
The Top 3 are also now 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the same order for the season points title. The Top 12 make the state team and will compete against Oregon in October at Banks Lake.
Pix here; http://www.westernbass.com/forum/post565285.html?hilit=moses#p565285
Wednesday, April 27th, 2016
Chelan Lake
Report: by ttb31183 » Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:07 pm
This past weekend I competed in the first of three qualifiers for the Washington TBF series. This one was on Lake Chelan and then we will be visiting Moses Lake in June and the Columbia River in August as we try to make the state team.
I was fortunate enough to get 6th place after having just a few hours to practice for the event. When I arrived I saw bed fish immediately and decided that was going to be my plan. I marked 30-40 fish in practice that were either on beds, crusing shallow or sitting under docks. I just cruised the bank with the trolling motor on high and marked fish.
The first day started slowly as many of the beds I hit were empty. As the sun rose the fish were easier to find and definitely on the beds. I was able to catch five good ones and weighed 18.28lbs and was in 2nd place. I caught my fish casting a drop-shot to areas that I knew the fish were spawning. The water here is very, very clear but I stayed way back and made long casts to increase my chances of catching them.
I also used my Navionics HotMaps Platinum card with the satellite overlay to help me better remember where the fish were positioned next to docks. My waypoints were where I was sitting when I saw them, but the fish were often a good distance away. The mapping showed the docks and also the image of the houses or shoreline and really helped me remember where the fish were sitting.
The second day was much tougher as my bedding fish were all gone. Either they were caught by me, someone else of they just moved. I weighed a small limit weighing 6.88lbs and dropped to 6th.
Here is part of my Day 1 catch
Overall it was a very fun event and I was happy to catch the fish I did. The next two are a few months away but I can't wait for the rest of the series.
Pix: http://www.westernbass.com/forum/post562202.html?hilit=moses#p562202
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
Long Lake - Spokane
Water Temp: 58
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Weather: Partly Cloudy
Lake Level: 1536\Best Depths: 2-10
Soft plastics around cover, reaction baits on flats, jigs on deeper docks
Big Bass: 2-1005/02/2015 - largemouth - 7.92
Events: 3rd Annual Long Lake Classic, hosted by The Spokane Bass ClubTips: The largemouth restriction was removed for 2015 by the State of Washington. Anglers could bring in 5 largemouth and many did that. There were many nice smallmouth weighed in too. The first place finishers had (5) largemouth on Day 1 with 29.05-pounds, including that big fish of the tournament at 7.92-pounds.
Sunday, February 1st, 2015
Sammamish Lake
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Got my tournament partner Mike Wolsky out of his duck boat and into my XT 18 aluminum, along with another good friend Zach Chandler. Before this day started I knew this was gonna be a great day on the water having a couple great friends jump in the boat you know there was some wager put on the line.....This day was " whoever catches the Least number of trout buys fish tacos!"
We started our day dodging through fog banks making our way up the eastside of the lake. Zach has brought a giant duffel bag full of God knows what, and 3 rods , Wolsky has brought 2 spinning rods 1 baitcaster, and a small speed bag. Wolsky cracks me up, I look at his rods and he has the same hooks leaders and baits on them since the last time we fished way back at the NW Bass championship on Banks lake, to me I wasn't surprised It just makes me laugh, this is why he is so good he is 110% fishing and when he is not its 110% effort towards hunting, as the seasons turn on and off so does his switch, pretty unbelievable really. Zach on the other hand, is well organized ready to go everything in its place and a place for everything, I have never seen a tackle bag so organized, pretty sweet!
So we get to our first place we want to try Zach and I quickly get to fishing as Wolsky dumps out his speed bag full of loose football heads and random bags of plastics on the front deck of my boat and the circus has now begun this day is gonna be full of laughs and nonsense.
I get ahead of the game first on my first drop I get a trout, I plan on someone else buying my fish tacos!
As the morning goes on we hit a school of fish and catch them really well, we had two doubles, and many bites but most of them are all cookie cutter fish but still fun!
The fog finally breaks and we get to run around the lake trying to find some larger fish, I finally get one that I would guess at 4 pounds + that ate my anchor bait of my tandem rig, A dyed up gulp goby.
We then hit a few other spots with more cookie cutters here and there and a couple a bit above average, the larger ones seem to be eating the anchor bait.
I then catch my 2 nd trout a beautiful 24" cutthroat trout.
At this time the taco bet has me in the lead with 2 trout Wolsky in 2nd with 1 and Chandler last with 0 but at this time Chandler fishing off the back deck is kicking our butt on the number of bass he has caught.
As the day runs down the boat has 18 bass that has came to the boat and we want to get over 20 so we run back down the lake toward the ramp. We had about 20 minutes left to fish we had to be off the water at 3.
We quickly caught up 3 more fish topped off With Chandler landing a really nice fish probably super close a 4 pounder if not 4, it ate his suspended bait on his tandem rig, which happened to be a gulp leech.
What a great winter day on the water! The boat caught a total 23 smallmouth bass and 5 Trout, Wolsky and I all tied up on the amount of Bass and trout we caught which was 6 and 2 a piece. Chandler only caught 1 trout! So he owes tacos! You can do the math he caught 11 bass off the back deck...... but this day they did not pay!
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
Banks Lake
Water Temp: 66
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Weather: Clear and Sunny
Lake Level: 1565\Best Depths: Shallow to deep, depending on species sought.
Wacky rigged dropshot and hula grubs for smallmouth bass. Topwater and swimbaits for early morning largemouth bass.
Big Bass: Shallow to deep, depending on species sought.09/20/2014
Several 4lb+ smallmouth and largemouth
Events: Coulee Playland resort has a tackle store and tent/RV camping facilities which is located on the North end of the lake.\Pricing Specials/Open Dates: RV and camping rates are under Fall pricing, so it's cheaper in comparison to Summer rates.Tips: Smallmouth are increasingly moving, so prepare to "spot jump". Cover water to find actively feeding fish.
Sunday, September 14th, 2014
Long Lake - Spokane
Water Temp: Variable, high
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Weather: Sunny, clear skies
Lake Level: 1,536 ft (full pool)\Best Depths: Early morning, focus on shallow flats or shallow docks. When the sun rises, target breaks near deeper docks or points with large rock boulders
Dropshot undoubtedly catches numbers, but jigs and larger worms tend to pull quality sized fish. A 4.5-inch Roboworm or minnow imitation in watermelon is best producing color.
Big Bass: Early morning, focus on shallow flats or shallow docks. When the sun rises, target breaks near deeper docks or points with large rock boulders09/07/2014 - Largemouth - 28.06
Several 5-6 pound largemouth and 3-4 pound smallmouthTips: Tony McCalmant and Jason Blankenship weighed in a 28.06-pound bag of largemouth on Long Lake during the 2014 Buchanen Bass Battle, giving the Idaho Panhandle Bass Anglers the win for 2014.
Monday, August 15th, 2011
Sammamish Lake
Water Temp: hot
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Its a public lake and anyone can use it at anytime they want to, if you don't want to wait to launch your boat then don't GO!!!!!!!
City: seattleTips: Get to the launch early!!!!
Monday, August 31st, 2009
Washington Lake
Water Temp: 73 degrees
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Caught numerous perch using salt and pepper 5" Grub rigged texas style with bullet sinker. Switched to a 4" weighted White swim shad to target smallies. Had a couple followers one of notable size est. 3-4lb + ...
City: Kirkland, waTips: Saw most fish off of the northwest point outside of Meydenbauer Bay holding large smallmouth. Notably under the first large overhanging willow over the water. Monsters holding relatively shallow. Good luck.
Saturday, August 15th, 2009
Washington Lake
Water Temp: 65
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Spent some time diving in the lake to see where most bass were holding and what types of bass were located where/how deep/in what structure.
City: Mercer Island, waTips: Noted Numerous smallmount 3lb.+ around pilings in about 25 ft. of water @ Luther Burbank Park. Also, it is important to note that most were holding near 20ft. of water at the end of Jutting structures at the edge of the weed line. Hope this helps.
Friday, August 7th, 2009
Long Lake - Spokane
Water Temp: 71
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Cranks and drop shot topwaters in morning cuaght 16 biggest about 3 and half give r take fog lifted about ten o clock
Thursday, July 16th, 2009
Goodwin Lake
Water Temp: 81
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: I wish I could say the fishing was as hot as the day was but it was tuff. Just 2 fish for my client. One on topwater in the am and one on a Carolina rigged Robo worm. I had some fish on with the drop-shot and the C rig but that was it. Graphed a lot of bait but no bass lurking in the shadows. Stayed on the main body for most of the day. Went up the south fork but could not find any thing on the graph. We did graph fish in the areas we fished but could not get them to go. Dog day's of summer are hear.
City: SacramentoTips: If I had to fish this lake I would stay with the drop-shot or C rig. Good Luck!
Sunday, March 22nd, 2009
Terrell Lake
Water Temp: Unkown
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Went out for three hours landed a 3lbs L.M. Weather, sunny with a little breeze and some scatter gray cloud. Air temp in the high 40's.
City: Bellingham, WATips: Terrell has lots of vegetation. Right now the lilly are starting to grow. Taget the lilly that is starting to grow. Spinner bait can be use now. When vegetation start to get thick target pad and grass and flip any dark color jigs or plastic.
Thursday, July 10th, 2008
Duck Lake
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Found some largemouth in the canals. Caught 3 all about 15 inches. Fishing Senkos and a Slugo. There did not appear to be too many fish, saw no small ones. Locals blame grass carp and spraying to get rid of milfoil.
City: Bend
Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Sammamish Lake
Water Temp: 65*F
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: clear warm waters, after bass, caught 3 near dropoff off of statepark. largest was about 3, all smallies. saw about 4 lb largemouth taken in the boat next to us.
City: issaquahTips: fishing natural color crankbaits with rattle, or live worms.
Sunday, May 25th, 2008
Banks Lake
Water Temp: 50-59
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: banks lake jamboree update
hi i just got home from the 37 annual banks lake jamboree i caught a lot of under size smallmouth and a my first ever walleye on day 1 on day 2 i caught 2 keepers that weighed 2.47 i fished out of the devils punch bowl on day 1 on day 1 i caught all of my fish on a gary yam 3 in. grub tail in the green pumpkin color
on day 2 i caught 2 keepers that weighed 2.47 on day 2 i caught all of my fish on a iorn giant wiggler 5in. green pumpkin w/ red flake on a jighead wackey style
barkers flats on day 2
day 3 i did not fish
my club i finished in 149 place and my club sound family bass anglers finished in 14 place
day 2 i caught all of my fish on a iorn giant wiggler 5in.
green pumpkin on a jighead wackey style
City: ELectric cityTips: buy iorn giant baits wigglers and fish them wacky style
Wednesday, September 26th, 2007
Silver Lake
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Caught Fish On Just About Everything I Threw,Stay Over Shad Balls If You Find Them,Spoons,Cranks,Blades,Small Swimbait,and Topwater. Spook Catching Big Fish
City: ReddingTips: Steep Stuff After Morning Bite.