I was asked by Margaret Walker of Konocti Resort to take a very special boy from Florida fishing on Clear Lake. The boy's name is Patrick Gallagher and he lives in Florida. Patrick is 6 years old and is suffering from a brain tumor and has undergone 38 radiation treatments to his head and did all of this without sedation. He is one tough little boy!
Patrick loves to fish and really loved to drive the Triton Boat fast! We caught several bass including one on our first cast of the morning to set the pace. You will see by the photos we didn't catch the biggest fish on Clear Lake but we had the biggest smiles and yes some of the biggest tears. Patrick is very special and other than the fish, the boat ride and the time together he loved the Cheetos and our conversations about Sponge Bob and The Incredibles.
The Gallagher family is faced with some very tough times ahead and I was so happy that they shared Patrick with me! I am hopeful that he will be feeling well enough to come back out in September or October to fish with me again, let's all hope so.
My return trip home from Clear Lake was very emotional for me as I was grateful for so many of the things my family has including great companies that support us but more importantly our health and the health of my daughter. Thanks to Ralph Harkins for loaning me his Triton/Mercury boat as my personal boat is on display at the California State Fair.
When you say your prayers, say one for my new friends the Gallagher family and one for one of the most special little boys I have had the pleasure to call my friend, Patrick Gallagher.
Donations to the Sea Breeze Foundation can be made through Konocti Resort and Spa.
Thanks to all of you!
Kent Brown