Alaska's World Class Fisheries Threatened by Industrial Mining
Ask the EPA to protect Alaska's treasured fisheries from toxic waste
The Situation
Alaska's Bristol Bay is home to the world's largest sockeye salmon runs and supports numerous important recreational fisheries as well as providing food and income for thousands of Alaska's citizens and visitors.
However, a massive mining proposal, known as Pebble Mine, poses a clear and present danger to the region's phenomenal recreational fisheries and a great tradition that has been passed down for generations.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay watershed, the scope of its natural resources and the impending threats that potential mining projects, including Pebble Mine, pose to this unmatched natural, public resource. This assessment overwhelmingly supports what the sportfishing community has been advocating for – the denial of Pebble Mine permits under the Clean Water Act.
Take Action!
The EPA has jurisdiction to deny mining permits if they would have unacceptable adverse effects on water purity, fish, wildlife and recreational areas – as expected for Pebble Mine. Sportsmen and women can help protect this region and Alaska's rich fishing heritage by sending a message to the EPA today and a copy to your Members of Congress. Urge them to exercise their authority to protect Alaska's fisheries and the people that depend on Bristol Bay for their livelihoods. Click here to send your message today!