quatic Invasive Species Outreach Programs Expanded
TU volunteers at the Shannon boat ramp.
ISAN: Matt Wilhelm serves over 8,000 kids a year as a visiting educator in Montana schools. Matt and the Invasive Species Action Network staff developed a series of distance learning lessons when in-school visits were derailed due to Covid-19. Topics included riparian food webs, keystone species, AIS, zebra mussel overview, aquatic macroinvertebrates, hydrologic cycle, water distribution, and a four-topic virtual field trip.
FWP Enforcement: Montana wardens have done outstanding work this season supporting compliance at watercraft inspections stations and helping ensure boaters follow AIS requirements. An FWP Outdoor Report highlights enforcement efforts at the Anaconda inspection station.
Montana Trout Unlimited: Working with area resource managers, TU is stenciling the “Clean-Drain-Dry” message on boat ramps and other structures around the state, including at the Clearwater Junction inspection station and the Shannon boat ramp at Canyon Ferry.