An example of why the public should never attempt to intervene with marine mammals

We share this as an example of why the public should never attempt to intervene with marine mammals themselves. Do not put yourself or the animal at risk! We have trained Stranding Network partners throughout the West Coast. If you think a marine mammal is injured, stranded or dead, please call NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network at 866-767-6114.
Over the weekend, a Stranding Network partner received a very unusual call about a harbor seal pup. The reporting party thought the pup’s umbilical cord was a plastic bag or balloon and attempted a “disentanglement” by cutting a portion of the umbilical cord off. The animal was in the water with mom nearby. Thankfully the pup did not have any other injuries, but the umbilical cord area could be at risk of potential infection. Human interaction like this can result in separation of the mom/pup pair and unfortunately after extensive monitoring over several days it appears the mother is no longer caring for her newborn pup. Due to the human interaction in this case the pup was taken into rehabilitation for care with the goal of release.
Please remember to call the Network before intervening with wild animals. We are here to help!