Arizona pro Josh Bertrand is preparing for his annual pilgrimage east as he begins another season as a professional angler of the MLF Bass Pro Tour. Looking ahead at the schedule, he offers a preview of what’s to come for 2021.
Bass Pro Tour Stage One - Sam Rayburn Reservoir, TX - Mar 21 - 26, 2021
The kick-off to the season is always exciting, but starting at a big bass factory at a prime time has Bertrand itching to get there.
“We are hitting it right as the fish will be moving up to spawn,” says Bertrand. “Rayburn is a place where a lot of different techniques can be the winning pattern. With the fish up shallow and spawning, I’m planning to flip and pitch because it is the best way to catch those big, shallow bass.”
Rayburn Set-Up: 7’6” heavy Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier rod and 8.1:1 Revo STX reel.
Heavy Hitters - Falls Lake, NC - Apr 9 - 14, 2021
With the added incentives for big bass prizes at this event. Bertrand will be flipping and pitching with the same rod and reel he plans to employ at Rayburn but will also be throwing a swimbait.
“With the emphasis on big bass, I’ll be throwing some big swimbaits as well,” adds Bertrand.
Bertrand’s Swimbait Set-Up: 7’9” heavy Abu Garcia Veracity rod and 6.6:1 Revo STX reel.
Bass Pro Tour Stage Two - Lake Travis, TX - Apr 30 - May 5, 2021
Bertrand got excited about this lake, as he calls it “Western-y” lake that reminds him of home.
“It’s deep, clear, and rocky,” Bertrand says. “That time of year, it should be a post-spawn event and there should be a lot of techniques working. I think it will be a drop-shot tournament for me.”
Bertrand’s Largemouth Drop-Shot Set-Up: 6’10” medium-light Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier spinning rod with a Revo MGX size 30 reel.
Bass Pro Tour Stage Three - Harris Chain of Lakes, FL - May 21 - 26, 2021
“The vibrating jig is always going to be huge anytime you are in Florida,” Bertrand begins. “There’s really no better way to catch big ones, but I’ll probably also be throwing a ten-inch worm.”
Vibrating Jig Set-Up: 7’3” medium-heavy Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier rod and a 6.6:1 Revo STX reel.
Big Worm Set-Up: 7’6” heavy Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier rod and 8.0:1 Revo MGX reel.
Bass Pro Tour Stage Four - Lake Chickamauga, TN - Jun 4 - 9, 2021
Bertrand believes this event should be strictly an offshore event but will mix it up with both power fishing and finesse.
“I’ll be throwing big flutter spoons and swimbaits, but also be throwing little finesse worms on those same schools,” he adds.
Bertrand’s Swimbait and Flutter Spoon Set-Up: 7’9” heavy Abu Garcia Veracity rod and 6.6:1 Revo STX reel.
Bertrand’s Largemouth Drop-Shot Set-Up: 6’10” medium-light Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier spinning rod with a Revo MGX size 30 reel.
Bass Pro Tour Stage Five - St. Lawrence River, NY - Jun 25 - 30, 2021
Bertrand has won an Elite Series event here and the fishery sets up perfectly for him as one of the best in the world with the drop-shot rig. But, this year, it will be earlier than his previous trips.
“It’s interesting because it is way earlier than we have ever been,” he says. “It should be drop-shotting but will be a lot on the shallower boulders or for spawning fish. The other bait that could play is the Berkley SPY spinbait.”
Bertrand’s SPY setup: 7’2” medium-light composite rod and Revo WINCH spinning reel.
“That slower reel is fantastic for slow-moving baits like the SPY or a little hair jig,” he says.
Bass Pro Tour Stage Six - Lake Champlain, NY - Aug 5 - 10, 2021
The question going into this event is whether smallmouth or largemouth will dominate. Bertrand plans to give both a shot.
“It will be summertime, but the fish will be still hanging around the transitional stuff,” he predicts. “I think there will be a lot of drop-shot fishing, but topwater for both species should be really good.”
Bertrand’s Topwater Set-Up: 7’3” medium-heavy Abu Garcia Fantasista Premier rod and 8.0:1 Revo MGX reel.
Bass Pro Tour Stage Seven - Lake St. Clair, MI - Sep 10 - 15, 2021
As the season wraps up, Bertrand believes the fish will be in transition
“They should still be on the summertime stuff but will also start to get more baitfish oriented,” he predicts. “I think I will be cranking with medium to deep-diving baits.”
Bertrand’s Smallmouth Cranking Set-Up: 7’10” medium-heavy composite Abu Garcia “Ike” rod with a 6.4:1 Revo MGX reel.