Tacoma, Washington- "The B10S is one of our most popular fly hooks," said Gamakatsu's Joe Quiocho. "The B10S is unique. Although heralded as a hair bug and streamer hook, you can use it for just about any application. It has a wide gap; it is 1X-strong and available in a wide range of sizes."
"We realized how effective fluorescent colors are in our Octopus hooks. They're great attractors, so we decided to offer fluorescent colors in the B10S series of fly hooks," said Quiocho.
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It's no secret that fish are most active in low-light situations at dusk and dawn. That's when predators have the advantage. The human eye sees the color of the hook differently than a fish does. Our new fluorescent-UV coating provides a subtle glow, which has been scientifically proven to attract fish and provide a focal point when they decide to eat. The only limit to the application of the new fluorescent B10S fly hooks is your imagination!
B10S Features:
- Stinger, 1x Strong Forged
- Hair Bugs, Streamers
- 20 pk
- Sizes: 4, 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0
- Colors: Pink, Red, Chartreuse, Ultraviolet