Looking back over the last few years we have seen some great turn outs for this event. I remember the very first Snag Proof Tournament there must have been over three hundred teams fishing for bragging rights. That is right, if you win a Snag Proof tournament you have a lot to brag about. The Snag Proof Frog tournament is one of the most popular events here in California.
Last year we had great food and a great time and this year is no different. The weather will be great and the water temp should be just right for someone to catch a monster bass.
We all know that the Snag Proof Frogs catch monster size bass. Come on out and have some fun see all your friends and see if you can’t do a little bragging yourself.
The good people from Snag Proof products will be giving away free Plano Frog box for the first 50 teams to sign up.
Along with the Plano boxes they will be giving away Gamakatsu Frog Hooks of the next 100 teams.
There will be a pro division $200.00 and a Am division $ 100.00.
Lets see you and your favorite team partner come out and challenge some of the best on the California Delta,
Registration will start Friday the 3rd of August at 3p.m. and Saturday Morning the 4th 6:00a.m to 9.00a.m.
The tournament will be held out of Russo’s Marina. If you need more information please contact Gene at Hook Line and Sinker 925-625-2441. Don’t be afraid to ask Gene or his staff any questions on frog fishing. Gene’s store has plenty of Snag Proof products.
Check the entry form here on my site www.jerryfournier.com. If you have any questions please contact me and I will do my best to answer your questions.
This is a great time of year to be fishing weeds, and shade so get out there and start practicing for a couple of days of nothing but big fish.
See you all the water.
Jerry Fournier