California Fish and Game Commission Meets Remotely
At its June meeting, the California Fish and Game Commission acted on several issues affecting California’s natural resources. The following are just a few items of interest from the two-day meeting.
The Commission voted unanimously to uplist Clara Hunt’s milkvetch from threatened to endangered under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA).
The Commission voted unanimously to list Upper Klamath-Trinity River spring Chinook salmon as threatened and to list northern California summer steelhead as endangered under CESA.
The Commission and CDFW Deputy Chief of the Law Enforcement Division Nathaniel Arnold announced Lake County Chief Deputy District Attorney Richard Hinchcliff as the Commission’s 2020 Wildlife Prosecutor of the Year.
The Commission approved 13 proposed projects for the Duck Stamp Dedicated Account funds in Fiscal Year 2021-22. The projects can be found here (page 4) (PDF).
President Peter Silva, Vice President Samantha Murray, and Commissioners Erika Zavaleta and Eric Sklar were present. Commissioner Jacque Hostler-Carmesin was absent.
Commissioners were given new committee assignments. Commission Vice President Murray and Commissioner Sklar will co-chair the Marine Resources Committee. Commission President Silva and Commissioner Zavaleta will co-chair the Wildlife Resources Committee. Commissioner Hostler-Carmesin will continue to chair the Tribal Committee and welcome a visiting Commissioner at each meeting.
The agenda for this meeting along with supporting information is available at An archived audio file will be available in coming days. The next meeting of the full Commission is scheduled for August 18-19, 2021.