Update: Striped Bass Workshop Moved to New Location
Voice your concerns over proposed regulations that demonize striped bass
at the expense of the Delta ecosystem!
Anticipating a large number of participants, the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) has moved tomorrow's workshop to a larger venue.
What: Public Workshop on Proposed Changes for Striped Bass Regulation
When: November 8th, 7 p.m.
Where: Rio Vista & Isleton Club, 295 South 7th Street, Rio Vista
Please Take Action on This Important Issue!
The DFG is holding a public workshop on November 8, to review its proposal to change sportfishing regulations related to striped bass. KeepAmericaFishing™ encourages all anglers to attend this workshop and speak up for sound conservation measures.
Increased water diversions for agricultural irrigation in California's Central Valley are having a devastating impact on recreational salmon fishing and businesses that depend on the Delta's fishery. Instead of reducing irrigation rates to a level that will provide the needed conditions for salmon and Delta smelt, an important forage fish, the Central Valley's water contractors have shifted the blame to striped bass.
Don't let California's water contractors demonize striped bass at the expense of the entire Delta ecosystem. More information on the upcoming workshop and the proposed regulations is available on the DFG's website.
Striped bass have coexisted with other species in the Delta and the Bay for over a hundred years!
Why is This Occurring?
NOAA Fisheries and the DFG have succumbed to the pressure and are now blaming striped bass predation for the loss in salmon, smelt and other fish in the Delta. Instead of tackling the real cause of these population declines – the large diversion of freshwater from the Delta – the DFG has proposed changes in striped bass regulations that will result in an overall decrease in striped bass populations. These species have successfully coexisted in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and San Francisco Bay for over a hundred years. The proposed regulation changes will only cause harm to the businesses and individuals that rely on the striped bass fishery, while providing no boost to other fish stocks.
Key Messages to Share at the Listening Sessions:
- As an angler and conservationist, you are committed to taking care of our great outdoors and support efforts to ensure that fish populations are available now and for future generations to enjoy.
- Striped bass have coexisted with the Delta's salmon and smelt for over a hundred years and are not to blame for the recent population crashes of salmon and smelt.
- The only way to truly conserve Central California's salmon and smelt populations is to decrease freshwater exports from the Delta.
Don't miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Click here for address and map.