It's what you make it

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It's what you make it

Post by Riplip »

Ever since I was 14 or so and decided to make bass fishing a significant part of my life, I have taken from the sport.

I have taken a deep appreciation for conservation, the great outdoors, and a sense of purpose. I have taken political action to defend our environment, educated my freinds and associates over a beer when I thought they could help.

I have taken friendships, some new, others older than I may admit. Sharing a common love of the details, boring our wives to death. I have attended weddings and funerals from relationships formed over common bonds taken from fishing.

I have taken the time to raise my children to young adults, teaching them right from wrong, savoring every moment we share on the water. I take the time to take friends and their children out and expose them to the best thing I know, fishing.

The recent babble over the internet focused on cheating and posturing and chest beating is wearing us down. Don't forget why you love this sport. This sport has given us far more than most of us could ever give back. I like to think the integrity of our sport is similar to golf, that is largely self monitored. When I foul hook a fish I return it. When a fish dies in my livewell, I weigh it. 99.9% of us do.

Don't lose the joy in what you do.

I won't.
If you always do what you did, you will always get what you got!
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Re: It's what you make it

Post by elfish16 »

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