1st Pic of Dead Adult Salmon in Lower Yuba River

1st Pic of Dead Adult Salmon in Lower Yuba River in Hallwood at 63 deg surface temp taken by BC. Cause of death unknown. Fishing for salmon is prohibited in this area.
The Yuba River has some of the best habitat in the valley for salmon to spawn naturally if they can make it thru the sediment filled Feather river.
Sediment from collapsing banks make the Feather river wider, SHALLOWER, and full of sediment.
Yuba River Adult Salmon must travel through these shallow warm water areas which causes gill rot or disease or parasites. Salmon need deeper pools to rest and channels to allow deeper flowing oxygen filled water which stays cooler when it’s all not 6”-18” deep

Hopefully air temps will drop and help cool the water temps in the evenings.