Attention California salmon anglers and associated businesses!
Disaster loans for working capital to small businesses economically impacted by the 2023 California Salmon Fishery Closure
Habitat Project Aimed at Salmon and Steelhead Runs
NOAA Fisheries has approved a new conservation framework for about 30,000 acres of private forestland in northwest Oregon.
CDFW Completes Release of 23 Million Fall-Run Chinook Salmon
raised at its four Central Valley anadromous fish hatcheries, the Feather River Fish Hatchery, the Nimbus Fish Hatchery, the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery and the Merced River Hatchery.
Chinook salmon fishing is closed statewide for 2023
Both in the ocean and in California’s anadromous rivers along the north coast, within the Klamath Basin and the Central Valley.
Atlantic salmon smolts were recently stocked
In its third year of a five-year experimental pen rearing project
Water and River "Pulsing" May Help California Salmon
Repeated atmospheric rivers delivering rain and snow to California over the last winter will provide enough runoff to provide two pulse flows on the Sacramento River this year.
CDFW Provides Nearly $36 Million for Projects to Save Salmon and Other California Fish and Wildlife Species
Saving salmon and rebuilding their populations for future Californians involves many key actions including investing in and restoring salmon strongholds as climate refugia, increasing partnerships, working with Tribes, doing more large-scale restoration at a faster pace, modernizing old infrastructure and creating fish passage around migration barriers. Today’s awards invest in those types of salmon projects.
PFMC Recommends Closure of 2023 Ocean Salmon Fisheries
Today, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) acted unanimously to recommend a full closure of California’s commercial and recreational ocean salmon season.
Kokanee Power Annual Spring 2-Day Trout and Salmon Team Tournament
The lake is close to full and the trout and salmon are biting! .
1.6 million fall Chinook salmon
This is the first of multiple releases of fall Chinook salmon for release into the Sacramento River system.
CDFW Using Winter Storms to Help Increase Survival of Chinook Salmon
Several releases have already happened, and others are planned over the next few weeks to utilize good in-river habitat conditions for these young salmon.
Salmon and halibut fishing
The salmon and halibut fishing is off the hook out of Oli's on the NW corning of Vancouver Island, BC. Experience truly excellent fishing for Chinook Salmon and halibut in late August. Support this channel and please subscribe for more. This is part two from Oli's this year. See the Albacore and Lingcod episode below.Call (530) 510-0514 or email to book your own trip to Oli's.
CDFW Announces $22.5 Million to Benefit Salmon and Support Critical Habitat Projects Statewide
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the award of $22.5 million to 19 projects to support the restoration of critical habitat for salmon, climate resiliency, wildlife corridors and wetlands restoration.
The Biggest Untold Reason for the Decline of Salmon
Water for Salmon, Salmon for Bass, Bass for Anglers, and Farmers Don’t Farm
Klamath River Upstream of I-5 Reopened for Chinook Salmon
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has announced that recreational fishing for adult, fall-run Chinook salmon on the Klamath River has reopened between Interstate 5 near Hornbrook and 3,500-feet below the Iron Gate Fish Hatchery in Siskiyou County.