COVID may have thrown a barrel of monkey wrenches into the 2020 tourney season; but it hasn’t stopped the biggest blow up on the Delta!
Making a splash on the tidal waters, the first of its kind… two-day TOPWATER ONLY event is this coming weekend, out of Russo’s, presented by Best Bass Tournaments (BBT).
“We have all been disappointed by the cancellations that COVID has forced and we didn’t want this year’s cancellation of the Snag Proof Open to be the end of the topwater fun; so, what better way to make lemonade out of lemons than to expand the frog only tournament into an all-inclusive, topwater of all kinds event,” said Randy Pringle, owner of BBT.
No this doesn’t mean Snag Proof won’t be back.
“It just isn’t feasible for them as a company during the COVID situation to continue as planned. Remember it isn’t just about the event here. There have been shutdowns in supplies to make products and workers in factories and travel bans and so much more behind the scenes that impact decisions like this. But, we anticipate their return next year and for now, we will blow up the Delta with more than just frogs,” added Pringle.
Any brand or type of lure designed to be fished as a surface bait can be used.
“Basically, that means nothing with a bill, no worms, no jigs, nothing that wasn’t intended to be used as topwater,” explained Pringle.
The event continues to be open to teams of any type and to offer entry costs and relative payouts as PROS or AMS.
“Each team can choose where they want to compete and go from there,” Pringle continued. “This is for tournament team partners or dads and sons or husbands and wives or any two that want to pair up.
“One opportunity that the expanded topwater selection will add is to open the event up to those that may not prefer to throw frogs only or may not have the stamina or shoulder to throw a frog all day, for two days. Now, a buzzbait or a prop bait or a popper is in play. A lot more options are available.”
Pringle weighed in with some suggestions and advice on the Delta Blow Up.
#1 If it’s windy, a nosier bait is better than a quiet one.
#2 If the water is flat calm, slow it down and take a more subtle approach to your lure selection.
#3 When the tide is lower and hanging trebles would get hung up in the vegetations just under the surface, a frog or buzzbait is a great choice.
#4 In outside weed lines, or higher tides, where the vegetation isn’t just barely under the surface, a lure with hanging trebles is an option.
#5 Follow-up strategies for missed blow ups is still a must. Since a worm is not an option, consider a Heli P (helicopter prop bait). Chug it to make is sound like an injured bait; but keep it in the strike area. This can give the bass the illusion they swatted the baitfish, injured it and it is still hanging around the same place without the ability to flee. It can invoke a 2nd strike.
#6 Start with larger baits in the morning and downsize as the sun goes up, visibility gets higher for the fish and/or the topwater bite gets tougher.
#1 Berkley Choppo is a prop bait that is an option for your follow-up technique.
#2 Silent ima Little Stik with a feather is perfect for a calm, still conditions.
#3 Stutter Step action imitates an injured bait fish with the V-shape and wobble. It is similar to throwing a wake bait. It can be devastating when there is ripple on the water.
- Three Fish Limit Per Day
- Minimum 13-inches
- Pro $200 Big Fish $20 Options $10, $20, $30
- Am $100 Big Fish $20 Options $10, $20, $30
Day One | August 1st
- Sign Ups Start at 8am
- Cash Only
- 11:00 a.m. Blast Off
Day Two | August 2nd
- Check in Starts 3:30am
- 5:30 a.m. Blast Off