Washington: Salmon Fishing Closed at Kitsap County Tidelands Due to Potential for "Disorderly Activity"
Action: Closes fishing for salmon within all waters of channels created by exposed tidelands.
Effective date: Oct. 30 through Nov. 15, 2020
Species affected: Salmon
Location: Exposed tidelands at the mouths of Chico Creek (Kitsap Co.) and Gorst Creek (Kitsap Co.)
Reason for action: Fishing in the tidal channels downstream of the mouths of Gorst and Chico creeks can lead to disorderly fishery activity such as illegal snagging, particularly during times of adult salmon returns to the streams.
Additional information: Fishing opportunity for returning adult salmon remains open in the marine waters adjacent to the creek mouths and tidal channels.
Anglers are reminded to check for fishery updates at fortress.wa.gov/dfw/erules/efishrules/.
The Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet can be found at eregulations.com/washington/fishing/.