Our Summer Magazine Is Now Up!

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Westernbass.com Staff
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Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:02 am

Our Summer Magazine Is Now Up!

Post by wayneg »

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Hi all,
Welcome to another summer season of WesternBass.com Magazine. The summer issue marks our 13th anniversary of the introduction of the WesternBass mag and always a great time of year. We love to see the big bass that come by way of topwater, and punching, as well as those later stage spawners and who knows what will come from the catches with Forward Facing Sonar this year!

Summer always brings the ICAST show and the new products for our industry. It is always exciting and something we all look forward to!

We would like to welcome our newest site advertiser Bridgford Foods. They are not only a WesternBass advertiser. Their meat snacks are a new addition to the Fisherman’s Warehouse in-store product line. Bridgford is a great supporter of the sport, and we are fortunate to have them onboard! Speaking of which, do you have Bridgford in your boat?

Thanks to Bridgford for joining us and all of the WesternBass site advertisers. Remember, who they are and always we encourage you to support those, who support us and the sport that we all love!
Tight Lines! Wayne
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