57 Pound Striper From the Sac River
57 Pound Striper From the Sac River
Captain Billy Driessen accomplished the impressive feat of catching a giant 57.10-pound striped bass on the Sacramento River below Chico on April 7 around 6:30 p.m. Even better, he carefully released the leviathan back into the river.
As far as I know, this is the largest striped bass caught so far this year in the state and may be the largest taken in the U.S. this year to date. The giant measured 46 inches long and 32 inches in girth.
“We found her hunting on a long sandy spawning flat with 3′ - 8′ of water behind a pair of large snags,” Drieseen said. “At the bottom of the flat was immediate deep water access for her to retreat into after she was done feeding making it an ideal trophy striper spot.
“She charged the sub-surface bait roughly 15′ away from the boat, creating a wake like a great white shark and by the time she exploded on the bait she was at the side of the boat leaving four grown men squealing like school girls.”
Read it all at the Record: http://www.recordnet.com/sports/2018042 ... -sac-river
Re: 57 Pound Striper From the Sac River
Not sure if that was on the 11" or 13" Hiro Trout glide bait.
https://hiroshimacustoms.com/products/1 ... 5480809996
Bruda Brock makes a mean bait.
https://hiroshimacustoms.com/products/1 ... 5480809996
Bruda Brock makes a mean bait.
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