Delta Voting Dec 10

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WB Staff
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Delta Voting Dec 10

Post by WB Staff »

Send your message to Metropolitan Water District today regarding the Delta tunnel vote!
On Tuesday, December 10th, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board of Directors is voting as to whether they should spend an additional $141 million for Delta tunnel planning. This is not their vote to fund the tunnel— but it is a significant vote to continue funding the planning process.
We need your help! And our ask is very specific.
We are asking you send an email to the Board’s support staff. You can find the template here: ... d-your.../
Request that your email comment is shared with the Board. Also, please copy us on the email at so that we can keep count of the number of emails our supporters are sending.We are organizing this effort in this manner because the Met Board stops listening in a meaningful way when they receive too many calls and because our goal is to let them know that Delta communities support efforts in the Delta other than the tunnel to help them secure a sustainable water supply.
We want to affirm that an opportunity for collaboration between the Delta and Southern California is genuine, and that such a collaboration can save Metropolitan and their rate payers billions of dollars while better protecting the Delta’s ecosystem and communities.
Your input is important because we know that the Governor is pressuring Metropolitan leaders to fund tunnel planning.
To counter that, our goal here is a message of unity that emphasizes better alternatives for Metropolitan Water District ratepayers because an affordable California is at the top of everyone's priorities throughout the state.
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