Regional Stay at Home Order ?

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Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by MichaelB »

Here we go again ! Once there are only 15% of ICU beds available in your "region", the orders take effect.
You can work, go to store, go to Dr. Can not be with another household, Order lists about 40 acceptable recreation activities .... and fishing ain't one of them. Don't say you can fish, but it also don't say you can't.

Don't know if it would be a problem towing your boat around.
You follow the rules, your co-angler has to be from your household. ... ial-needs/
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by MT »

Haven't read the list yet. Is rioting and looting still ok?
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by Bobp »

cops already said they wont enforce it so.......and i couldnt care less what newsum says,i cant think of another person ever in my life i have no respect for than that hypocrit
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by RMANZO »

No matter what you do just remember you are doing it as a “PEACFUL PROTEST”.. If ur going fishing, tell them you are peacefully protesting your rights. If you gather with other people, tell them you are having a peaceful protest. That seems to be the only way of getting around these “LIBTARDS” rules. Show me scientific proof or shut the %-+= up. Oh and by the way Cali, you voted for these idiots :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Instagram Robert Mansor
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by bass343 »

Why are the COVID cases going up? I guess masks don't work after all. And the sheeple are falling for it. Time to wake up people. This is going to keep on getting worse if we the people keep allowing it. This is what you call a planndemic!! My two cents.
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by Jboutfishn »

Went to the local Circle K, noticed at least 1/3 of the people not wearing a mask. Stopped at NAPA for some Sta-Bil, not a mask to be seen. Think there is an issue? :(
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by Kennortonjr »

bass343 wrote:Why are the COVID cases going up? I guess masks don't work after all. And the sheeple are falling for it. Time to wake up people. This is going to keep on getting worse if we the people keep allowing it. This is what you call a planndemic!! My two cents.
I would be curious if you ever took a critical thinking course. Based on your comments I think I already know the answer though...

The modern conservative is the truest example of a “snowflake” one will ever see! Talk about a victim mentality! Spring lockdown I kayak fished just about every day on a closed lake; I would come home and read the snowflakes hyperbolically complaining on this forum and just shake my head.
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by MikeR »

MT wrote:Haven't read the list yet. Is rioting and looting still ok?
Right??!! LMAO!!

The HYPOCRACY of Governor "Do as I say, not as I do..... Good for thee, not for me" Newsom is glaring in his orders versus his actions. He and his family are above it all.

If you hadn't seen the Riverside County, CA sheriff's FB video post and his take on Newsom's order...... copy and paste or click if it shows as a link. It's worth a listen and this man hits the nail on the head. ... 9577475063

Regardless of whether you feel masks are warranted or not, committing economic suicide by ordering a shutdown of businesses to protect a small portion of our population (primarily those over 70 years old and those whose health is compromised) is not the answer and is a violation of our Constitutional rights. 99.8% of those who have contracted the disease have survived. I don't need government, specifically an idiot governor, dictating to me what I can and can't do, or trying to protect me from myself or others. I am fully capable.

Unless this governor is going to compensate ALL small and large businesses affected by his actions, a shutdown is absolutely wrong. This is truly about survival of small business and our economy as we know it. A restaurant as a business has every right to stay open and allow indoor dining. It is their constitutional right. I, as a informed U.S. citizen understanding the full risk, have the Constitutional Right to give business to that restaurant whether I choose to eat indoors or out. It is my legal and Constitutional right to have a choice.

I will not comply and I urge all to do the same and support small businesses who ignore the order trying to survive. If you are at risk or afraid... stay home. Our government's duty is to provide resources for those that do get sick, not unconstitutionally restrict travel or our activities, indoor or outside, of those not at as great a risk or not at risk.

I have two grandchildren now being home schooled due to our public schools being shuttered to protect the teachers. What was offered in place of "real schooling" was complete nonsense. According to the CDC our children are not at risk and should be back in school. The shutdown of schools now goes against the CDC recommendations. The order is to protect the teachers not the children. The action is doing more harm to our children and jeopardizing their and our country's future.

I encourage all, if you are so inclined and have not done so already, please visit and sign the petition:
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Post by RMANZO »

Instagram Robert Mansor
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by woodistic »

"Spring lockdown I kayak fished just about every day on a closed lake;"

In other words YOU broke "Covid Law", you have to remember dude a lot of these guys on here are ol' timers, your comment is pretentious at best. I bet he has never taken a critical thinking course, but I also bet he has worked all his life and is most likely a decent human being who doesn't need to be bellowed by a pseudo intellectual like yourself.
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by Kennortonjr »

woodistic wrote:"Spring lockdown I kayak fished just about every day on a closed lake;"

In other words YOU broke "Covid Law", you have to remember dude a lot of these guys on here are ol' timers, your comment is pretentious at best. I bet he has never taken a critical thinking course, but I also bet he has worked all his life and is most likely a decent human being who doesn't need to be bellowed by a pseudo intellectual like yourself.
Lol your comment almost doesn't make sense based on what you quoted. I would guess you are projecting an image based on the term "kayak fishing" but believe me, there is nothing pretentious about hauling a dirty kayak to a lake, throwing it on the water and fishing from it. Are you picturing some of the guys on youtube with their kick pedals and fish finders? Believe me, not the case. There were plenty of ways to fish during the spring lock down. Again, I'm not even quite sure what you are trying to insinuate about "old timers" not being able to relate; nothing wrong with shore fishing either.

I'm sorry that I triggered you, but the guy saying: "masks don't work", "the sheepie are falling for it" and "plandemic" deserved a response.
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Re: Regional Stay at Home Order ?

Post by MT »

I honestly don't know if my region is under a stay at home order or not. Nothing seems any different when I'm out and about. Doesn't affect me either way but I really hate it for the folks who are being told they can't make a living. Hopefully something changes fast for the better.
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