So stripers like chicken liver but what about the gizzards and hearts?

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John Bonon
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:47 pm

So stripers like chicken liver but what about the gizzards and hearts?

Post by John Bonon »

Its cheap enough to grab a tub of chicken liver but some other parts of the chickens innards are a bit heartier (pun intended).

So in a pack of chicken innards there are gizzards, hearts and liver.

The question is do stripers like gizzards and hearts? I havent tried and figured I would ask the forum before I spent a day wasting my time trying to figure it out lol.
Last edited by John Bonon on Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So stripers like chicken liver but what about the gizzards and hearts?

Post by DaveH »

It's all about the blood, as with other cut bait the stripers will key in on the blood trail. Never say never, give them a try.
cut sardines, anchovies, Lug worms, blood worms, chicken liver, nightcrawlers, also look at the body of water your fishing in.
John Bonon
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2019 5:47 pm

Re: So stripers like chicken liver but what about the gizzards and hearts?

Post by John Bonon »

DaveH wrote:It's all about the blood, as with other cut bait the stripers will key in on the blood trail. Never say never, give them a try.
cut sardines, anchovies, Lug worms, blood worms, chicken liver, nightcrawlers, also look at the body of water your fishing in.
So I have done a bunch of research on this topic since your reply. I found the reason people dont use the gizzards and hearts is that all blood is drained from them while the liver does not have the blood drained. Most of what I read stated to put the gizzards and hearts in with a batch of chicken livers to reabsorb blood. Then they will work well.

I have done this and wens I will be testing them out.
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