Trouble with Deps 250

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Trouble with Deps 250

Post by EastBayAngler »

Basically I am having trouble even getting followers on my Deps 250 Slide swimmer. I have gotten about 2 followers in total while fishing this for about 3 months. The problem isn’t that I missed the fish or dont know what to do when a fish is following my glidebait (I know how i screwed up with those fish). The problem is I cant get a damn follower. I am fishing mostly lowland reservoirs in the Bay Area, lake temescal, Lafayette resevoir, contra loma, del valle and the California delta. For reference I have the Real Hatsu Katsu color of the 250 with base hooks and no special modifications. I throw it on a Daiwa Dx Swimbait Casting Rod in a 8ft, heavy power, fast action, rated for 2-8 oz lures and 20-50 lb line. I use a Shimano Cardiff casting reel in the 201 size spooled with 30 pound Yo Zuri—Hybrid Co-polymer line. I also fish from the bank
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Re: Trouble with Deps 250

Post by bassdaddy »

I have been throwing a Deps 250 since shortly after they became available and I've had success in many situations so I will try to help you. First of all, it's risky to throw one on 30lb test line...recipe for heartbreak...but I readily understand that's not what you are asking about.
Fishing that bait from shore can be problematic. It rarely allows you to throw it where it needs to be and at the retrieve angles that are optimal. It also might be the reason you think you've only had two followers...because that's all you've been able to see from your vantage point. Hell, you might have had 10 or more followers and not have realized it. I suggest that you treat all of your casts as if you have a follower and make sure you are adding reel pops into your retrieves to see if you can incite a big fish that you can't see into biting.
There's no exact answer for how to get followers to commit but I can tell you that slowing it down and/or stopping it is NOT (or rarely) the answer. From my experience speeding it up and/or popping it in an erratic fashion is your best chance.
Hope that helps.
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Re: Trouble with Deps 250

Post by WRB »

30 lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid is still / .025D, not a common line choice for Deps 250.
Suggest considering Maxima 25 or 30 lbs, smaller dia not to deaden the lures action.
Your reel is on the small side, consider 300 size to hold more line.
Fish around the dam areas, deeper water with fewer snags plus planted trout.
Agree always think a bass see’s your lure and speed up on any bumps you feel to give the lure a panic reaction.
Any reason you are using the color you have?
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Re: Trouble with Deps 250

Post by ttb31183 »

Some good advice already; I agree with what's been said about the 300-size reel. I use a TranX 300, Curado 300, and used to fish them on a Daiwa Lexa 300 and they all handle it great. For line, 25lb Seaguar AbrazX is what I use, and I know some even use 20lb, which works for them.

Like others have said fishing from shore is harder to see followers as you often see them way out there behind the bait., It could just be an area thing or even time of year, because the 250 has such good drawing power you see fish of all sizes coming to check it out multiple times a day usually. Getting all of them to bite is another story but the bait is great.
EastBayAngler wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 12:09 pm Hello,
Basically I am having trouble even getting followers on my Deps 250 Slide swimmer. I have gotten about 2 followers in total while fishing this for about 3 months. The problem isn’t that I missed the fish or dont know what to do when a fish is following my glidebait (I know how i screwed up with those fish). The problem is I cant get a damn follower. I am fishing mostly lowland reservoirs in the Bay Area, lake temescal, Lafayette resevoir, contra loma, del valle and the California delta. For reference I have the Real Hatsu Katsu color of the 250 with base hooks and no special modifications. I throw it on a Daiwa Dx Swimbait Casting Rod in a 8ft, heavy power, fast action, rated for 2-8 oz lures and 20-50 lb line. I use a Shimano Cardiff casting reel in the 201 size spooled with 30 pound Yo Zuri—Hybrid Co-polymer line. I also fish from the bank
Tyler Brinks
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