National Scope of Asian Carp Threat
New Film Explores National Scope of Asian Carp Threat Photo: Silver Carp (still frame from the film Against the Current).
Millions to Fight Asian Carp
A $25 million appropriation to fight Asian carp was passed in Congress and ...
A silver carp was captured
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources received a report on Jan. 10 that a silver carp was captured on Chickamauga Lake in October.
Utilizing Asian Carp as Food
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is supporting Silverfin™ Group, Inc., headed by Chef Philippe Parola, in its history making effort to process the first invasive species into a value-added product for human consumption.
Special commercial fishing season on Lake Chicot to target Asian carp
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will open a special commercial fishing season on Lake Chicot to target Asian carp from Nov. 1-Dec. 31.
Virus Kills Carp
Thousands of common carp died last month in Waseca County's Lake Elysian because of a virus likely introduced to Minnesota waters by the release or escape of ornamental koi or pet goldfish.
No Bighead/Silver Carp Detected
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources today announced that so far in 2016, no bighead and silver carp environmental DNA (eDNA) has been found in Michigan waters.Asian carp swimming underwater
Know The Difference: Invasive Versus Common Carp
There's a lot of talk around the Great Lakes these days about carp, especially invasive or Asian carp. What about common carp, those monsters of Michigan waters anglers love to battle with fly rods? Are these fish one and the same and what's the big deal about carp anyway?
Asian Carp Could Have Major Impact on Lake Erie
Asian carp pose a major risk to Lake Erie's ecosystem. New computer models suggest these invasive fish could soon account for nearly a third of the lake's total fish population, ultimately causing declines in most other fish species, including prized sport and commercial fish such as walleye.
Monroe Lake anglers must take precautions against Asian carp
Invasive Asian carp are knocking on Monroe Lake's door, and DNR officials are warning anglers not to let them in. Silver and bighead carp (collectively referred to as Asian carp) have been found in Salt Creek, directly below the Monroe Lake dam. The dam prevents the carp from entering the lake.
Carp Reduction Efforts in Great Lakes Area
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources last week sent several fisheries staff to assist the Illinois DNR with an ongoing Asian carp removal project. The goal of the project is to respond to the leading edge and reduce population levels of Asian carp threatening the Great Lakes via the Chicago Area Waterway System