Z-Man® snags Bassmaster Elite star Seth Feider
For a dude whose BassFan profile lists sideburns and chest hair as his biggest weaknesses, Seth Feider brings an awfully strong salad game
Predators versus River Flow... Sacramento River channel
I keep emphasizing the need for fall flows to get Central Valley salmon fry, fingerling, sub-yearling smolts, and yearling smolts to and through the Delta to the Bay.
50 plus groups united to demand stronger Bay-Delta flow standards
On July 26, a coalition of organizations from fishing, environmental, tribal, Delta, and business communities submitted a letter to the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) demanding stronger flow standards in its update of the Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan—a document that sets regulatory standards for water quality and flow criteria in Central Valley Rivers and the San Francisco Bay Estuary, including the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.
Oregon Debris Flow Threat Results in Juvenile Cohos Release
Many of the 1.75 million juvenile fish evacuated from Cascade Hatchery in Cascade Locks after last year’s Eagle Creek Fire in the Gorge are now on their way from the Pacific Northwest’s rivers to the Columbia River and eventually, the Pacific Ocean.
Court Denies Arizona Request to stop High Flow Water Release at Alamo Lake
A federal court Friday denied the State of Arizona’s motion for a temporary restraining order to prevent the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from conducting a high-flow water release at Alamo Lake beginning this week.
Fluorocarbon for the Cold Flow
The rod I packed in my carry-on was a 4-piece, St. Croix 5-weight Imperial, perfect for the miniscule nymphs I bought at the shop. A couple packets of Seaguar’s Knotless Tapered Leaders in size 7X (thinning down to 2-pound test at its tip) were also purchased. A few of my casts were actually flawless enough to fool a few fish; in reality, more fish than the last time I was here. And I do believe it was the presentation of my flies and the hook-setting abilities of this thin 100% fluorocarbon line that made the difference.
2013 vs 2017 on the Oroville Spillway
Water Expected to Flow into Lake Oroville Emergency Spillway Soon Oroville, Calif. -- Lake Oroville is expected to rise this morning to the level that allows water to flow down an emergency spillway and into the Feather River, according to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). The volume of water is expected to pose no flood threat downstream and should remain well within the capacity of the Feather River and other channels to handle. Oroville Dam itself remains safe, and there is no imminent threat to the public.
Corps to Reduce Flow from Lake Okeechobee to Estuaries
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District plans to reduce flows from Lake Okeechobee this weekend as it begins a transition toward dry-season operations.