New Deps GiraGira Kougeki
Giragira Kougeki is a giant bait developed only for catching large predators
The Season When Panfish Become Predators
When leaves are changing colors and temperatures start to drop...
Northland’s new Rumble Beast triggers epic strikes from upsized predators
Crankbaits simply catch fish. They always have and always will. And when you’re talking tape-measure fish, big crankbaits are where it’s at. Along those lines, Northland Fishing Tackle® is proud to introduce the new Rumble Beast, a bait designed specifically to target the biggest, baddest fish that swim, like monster pike and muskies.
Chasing plus-sized predators from kayaks in fresh and salt waters
From coast to coast, more and more anglers are fishing out of kayaks in both fresh and salt waters.
Striped bass are the predators most sensitive to changes in the menhaden population
Time to Account for Menhaden's Role in the Ecosystem
Predators versus River Flow... Sacramento River channel
I keep emphasizing the need for fall flows to get Central Valley salmon fry, fingerling, sub-yearling smolts, and yearling smolts to and through the Delta to the Bay.