Smackdown with Stealth...
STEALTH GRAY - new low-visibility braid sets a new standard for ultra-finesse fishing and stealthiness
New Gold Label and Smackdown colors greeted with enthusiasm at ICAST
Seaguar Spools up Line and Leader Advantages New Gold Label and Smackdown colors greeted with enthusiasm at ICAST
Knot How-To: Tying a Snell #Seaguar
Seaguar pro-staffer and FLW Angler Mark Rose discusses his preferred knot for tying braid line lures. Watch as Mark shows how to tie a Snell Knot using Seaguar® Kanzen® braid
Underwater Viewpoint: Seaguar Smackdown 8-Strand Tournament Braid
Kim Stricker, host of Hook n' Look tells you about Smackdown Tournament Braid from Seaguar. Get the low down on this incredible smooth-casting 8-strand braid - along with great views from Hook n' Looks' signature underwater view point.
Underwater Viewpoint: Seaguar Smackdown 8-Strand Tournament Braid
Get the low down on this incredible smooth-casting 8-strand braid - along with great views from Hook n' Looks' signature underwater view point.
Knot How-To: Double Uni Knot for Braided Line with Shaw Grigsby - Seaugar -- Seaguar pro-staffer Shaw Grigsby, Host of One More Cast uses Smackdown 8-strand braid to demonstrate how to tie the Double Uni knot.