What the two scientists worked out was that the effect occurred with other shapes in water.
Making FFS Work for You with Jake Lawrence
He's on fire and seems to be catching them everywhere he goes, and using his electronics has been a significant part of his success.
The State Water Resources Control Board's commitment to Environmental Justice work started in 2021.
This included funding Restore the Delta with enough Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) water quality testing kits to provide research back to the State to hasten community protection.
Unified Command is beginning significant in-river work today
For safety purposes, the public should avoid the Middle Fork of Feather River
Restore the Delta is a rare combination of good outreach and solid policy work
Can you imagine what will happen to the future for our children and grandchildren whose economic and environmental well-being will be tied to a collapsed Bay-Delta estuary?
Work begins on the largest U.S. dam removal project
Crews have mostly dismantled the first of four dams
Find out what baits will work the best in your Zone in the month of July
What are the most effective lures on this lake, this time of year?
Jobs Alert!
Jobs Alert! Come work with CalTrout and join our team! We have 3 positions available: Sacramento Policy Associate
Sportfishing industry resumes work to phase out destructive gear in California
Bipartisan Lawmakers Remain Committed to Modernizing the California Drift Gillnet Fishery
If you live or work in the Delta region ...
DWR is evaluating a proposal to build a water tunnel in the Delta called the Delta Conveyance Project.
Restitution Videos Outline Work for Imperiled Coho Salmon
. Coho are increasing in abundance in the restored habitat faster than comparable habitat elsewhere in California.
California Delta Hard Work Bass Fishing Searching for Success VIDEO
Today, I headed out to the California Delta for some largies and to practice punch fishing. I struggled throughout the day but it was so satisfying to finally put a punch fish in the boat. Although it was dink, the gratification and the feeling of accomplishment made it all worth it!
Arizona’s Hunting and Angling Heritage Work Group (HAHWG)
Arizonans Recognized for Conservation Work by WAFA Jim Strogen (middle), shown teaching fly-fishing for Payson Parks and Recreation