Picking the Right Jig and ChatterBait Trailers
According to Arizona pro angler Brett Hite, you can simplify things by selecting the right trailer based on the water temperature, desired fall rate, and other factors.
Breakdown of the ultimate battle: Chatterbait vs. Spinnerbait
The when, where, why, and how to choose between a Chatterbait and Spinnerbait based on conditions, forage, cover type, and more based on their unique feature!
Refined ChatterBait
Anglers are beginning to realize that in a lot of situations, the StealthBlade rivals the fish-catching magnetism of the original ChatterBait JackHammer,
Grass Apocalypse has happened on the California Delta... VIDEO
Ultra-refined ChatterBait® JackHammer™ StealthBlade™ impresses at sportfishing tradeshow
. Among a multitude of new lures, the exceptional new Z-Man bladed jig garnered the winning votes cast by media and tackle buyers in ICAST’s New Product Showcase.
Coveted Z-Man® ChatterBait® bladed jig dominates Bassmaster championship once again
The ‘JackHammer Classic’ Coveted Z-Man® ChatterBait® bladed jig dominates Bassmaster championship once again
Freak-of-nature ChatterBait® JackHammer™ continues its hot-streak
The Original ChatterBait bladed jig had already made a sizeable splash in the professional bass scene when in 2017, Z-Man and Japanese lure maestros EverGreen International collaborated on what would quickly become the single most coveted tournament bait in America.
Chatterbait, Vibrating Jig, JackHammer, Thunder Cricket ... if you missed it, here it is
Chatterbait, Vibrating Jig, JackHammer, Thunder Cricket - it doesn't matter what you call it! In this off-colored water we'll be fishing in, you better have one tied on
The Year of the ChatterBait
After the last sack of bass hit the scales at the 2018 Bassmaster Classic, a final tally of another sort emerged: Seven out of the top ten finishers had cast some type of bladed jig.
New ChatterBait Released at 2018 Bassmaster Classic
This the Hottest Bait on the Pro Bass Circuit? Z-Man set to unleash new ¾-ounce ChatterBait® JackHammer at the Bassmaster Classic
Heavy Cover Search Bait
When fishing around docks, laydowns, and other structure, down imaging and side scanning can be an anglers best friend.
Searching for the Hydrilla Gorilla
When fishing around docks, laydowns, and other structure, down imaging and side scanning can be an anglers best friend.
Tackle How-To: Fish Shallow Water #LTB
In this Lucky Tackle Box Video, learn how to fish shallow water using the Z-Man Fishing Chatterfrog found in the March Bass Lucky Tackle Box.
Chatterbait Chowdown - Maximizing Your Vibe Jig
It’s a great way to tempt hungry bass and an even b etter way to irritate those who just want to be lef t alone. Either way, vibrating jigs can deliver some of the most aggressive bites you’ll get. One of bass fishing’s bolder, attention-craving bai ts, this is no doubt one of the more effective offe rings for waters with diminished clarity. Vibrating jigs are essentially swim jigs fitted with vibration-mak ing blades. You’ll often here the entire selection refe rred to by the commercial name “Chatterbait,”.