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So it's ok to keep your eyes WIDE OPEN....because UFC10 - the Ultimate Frog Challenge, will be here soon!
Cody Meyer Eyes REDCREST Title
The lake is full of spotted bass and he’s widely known as a guru with that bass species, so many expect him to do well.
Find More Fish with 4 Eyes
Remember your old grade school teacher, the one who kept her class from misbehaving by claiming she’d grown eyes in the back of her head? Her uncanny ability to spot student misdeeds with her back turned made you marvel at this apparent superpower.
This isn’t the first time striped bass have stared the Grim Reaper in his piscine eyes
To keep tabs on the health of a fish population, biologists check two key indicators. One is the rate of death due to fishing, known as fishing mortality, and the other is ...
Z-Man Project Z ProFileZ: The Eyes Have It
“If you look at a lot of the greatest saltwater lures out there, they all have one thing in common,” observes trout and redfish fanatic Ralph Phillips. “Eyes. A large, lively set of eyes. Underwater, eyes can be the trigger, the one anatomical detail that really attracts predator fish to a lure.”
Why the Oroville Bass Are Shrinking Right Before Our Eyes
The recent forum post on the shrinking size of Oroville bass sparked much discussion and has prompted me to look a little deeper into the tournament catch data available from DFG and share with everyone. This data is what is published and shared through the Department’s tournament permit program. DFG conducts sampling – but that data is not published and is not readily available. Tournament catch data will provide a reasonable metric from which to look at what may be occurring in Lake Oroville.