t's Fall!! And it's all about the FLUKE!! This Fluke Modification will improve your hook-up percentage and catch you more bass! Tune in to learn how you can make this easy modification! Come on, let's learn!
How to Fish a Glide Fluke like Josh Parris
With the word glide right in its name, many anglers think of it as strictly a glide bait, but it can do much more, according to Parris.
6 Ways to Fish the Ima Glide Fluke
If the water is between 55 and 70-degrees there will be some fish shallow and you should be able to get them to come to the surface to get it, Read on for six different ways to fish this versatile bass lure.
Have you see the Glide Fluke?
It's new and it glides... the Optimum Glide Fluke. See it here in this quick vid
Vintage Pflueger Supreme Baitcasting Fishing Reel OLD MEETS NEW Fluke on Gulp Bait
Its been a while since I tossed on of these old bait casters but it went really smooth. The reel casts like a dream. Hitting 100 yards easy with a light lob
New Lake Record Largemouth Bass Eats Fluke
Austin Vowell caught the new 14.3 pound record largemouth for Neshoba County this week. “I had just put the phone down and I cast at these pads,” reported the Missip . “She hit the Fluke, I set the hook and I immediately knew I had a big fish. Then she jumped a couple of times and that’s when I saw it was a really big fish.”