Restore the Delta — it’s a major regression
Restore the Delta was quoted in a Heatmap article about the fossil-fueled hydrogen project that was recently approved by the Port of Stockton without an EIR.
Restore the Delta statement in response to the ongoing investigation
into allegations against Metropolitan Water District General Manager Adel Hagekhalil
Restore the Delta is Hiring
Climate Water Advocate Interns initially complete 40 hours of in-depth training on California water policy, climate change, and all aspects of San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary management from water rights to history, to fishery science, to water quality needs and monitoring, to flood control.
Restore the Delta is a rare combination of good outreach and solid policy work
Can you imagine what will happen to the future for our children and grandchildren whose economic and environmental well-being will be tied to a collapsed Bay-Delta estuary?
Restore the Delta will be in attendance presenting on Mormon Slough
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has awarded Restore the Delta major funding!
RTD thanks the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative for this significant grant!
Restore the Delta Files Opposition to Newsom Delta Flows Waiver
Today, Restore the Delta filed a formal opposition letter regarding the new Temporary Use Change Permit for SF Bay-Delta operation announced last by the Newsom Administration.
Restore the Delta Heartbreaking news today
Legendary California Fishery and Water Quality Activist Bill Jennings Dies at Age 79
Restore the Delta Files Comments on Delta Conveyance DEIR
Lack of climate planning “embarrassing” for DWR
Yamaha Dedicates Funds to Restore Trails Damaged by Wildfires
This latest funding cycle showcases Yamaha OAI’s mission to protect, improve, and expand access to public land for motorized and outdoor recreation through projects that build, protect, and restore access to more than 40,000 acres and 600 miles of trail for motorized recreation.
Restore the Delta Congratulates Rep. Josh Harder
As the results of the CA-9 Congressional Election are now in, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, executive director of Restore the Delta, issued the following statement:
An Online Benefit for Restore the Delta
Join us on Thursday November 17th at 6:30 PM for Where the Future Flows: An Online Benefit for Restore the Delta.