Southern California's 'water doctor' pushes for transformation
In the past, everyone was focused on the delta as the solution for our future,” he said. “We need to diversify. We need to look at other options.”
Remember the old saying, “The rising tide of discontent?” I think the guy who first spoke of or came up with this, must have been a bass fisherman. “To fish
Asking how the record-setting storm could affect Mead water level
Tropical Storm Hilary moves into the U.S.
This is the water question that California politicians keep refusing to answer
Most recently, in 2020, the Bureau of Reclamation concluded that enlarging Shasta Dam 18.5 feet
Striped bass became the “canary in the coal mine” since the Bay-Delta water
The decline of striped bass is generally associated with the startup of the State Water Project in the mid 1970s in concert with the 1976-77 drought along with an ever-increasing frequency of drought.
Water Wasted
Is California wasting its water? The state had a historic winter and the ABC10 Weather Team is investigating where the water is going and if we're wasting it. In Part Four, Meteorologist Brenden Mincheff takes a closer look at Delta water tunnel project.
Water and River "Pulsing" May Help California Salmon
Repeated atmospheric rivers delivering rain and snow to California over the last winter will provide enough runoff to provide two pulse flows on the Sacramento River this year.
River's End - California's Latest Water War
Explore the global water crisis, using California as a microcosm. River's End shows how water politics that led to the draining of the Owens Valley by Los Angeles, made famous by the film "Chinatown," continue to this day in ongoing efforts to take ever more water from Northern California's San Francisco Bay estuary. Except this time, the water grab is at the hands of industrial agriculture.
Closed Due to Dangerous Water Levels and Potential Flooding
Water levels are being monitored on a daily basis and a decision to reopen the rivers will be made once these extraordinary dangerous conditions improve.
California Tribes Submit Comments on Proposed Water Quality Standards
We write in strong support of EPA’s recognition that tribal reserved rights may be impaired by water quality standards that fail to, for instance, ensure sufficient instream flows to protect native fisheries and other riparian resources.
Editorial: Gov. Newsom takes page out of Trump’s water playbook
On Feb. 15, the governor signed an executive order allowing the State Water Resources Control Board to ignore the state requirement of how much water needs to flow through the Delta to protect its health.