IGFA Awarded First ever Florida Largemouth Bass World Record
Verified as a pure Florida Largemouth Bass this year
Dobyns Enjoying the Crappie World
Gary Dobyns needs no introduction in the bass fishing world, as his many tournament wins and resume speak for themselves.
New Fishing Adventures For World Fishing Network
World Fishing Network, the premier destination for angling enthusiasts and novices alike, continually showcases the fishing adventures in some of the most exotic and remote parts of the world while highlighting the cultural richness and environmental beauty of each destination. Explore the connection between fishing, travel, and the great outdoors with these series of programs during “Reel Life Sundays.”
World Fisheries Day
The health of Bay-Delta fisheries are essential to support recreation, culture, subsistence, and economic activities.
World Class Fishing Awaits
World Class Fishing Awaits Phenomenal fishing opportunities provide backdrop for 2023 NPAA Conference.
Those of us who live and breathe bass think that the world revolves around us
While we’re a multi-billion dollar business, in the grand scheme of things we’re still small fish.
Fishing the Kayak Fishing World Championship
As a full-time nurse and team tournament director for the American Bass Association, Ricabal is very busy. Her best way to get to Tennessee was to fly and borrow a Jackson Knarr kayak. She also borrowed a rod tube and packed it with several of her favorite St. Croix rods, planning with rods that can do more than one thing.
Potential new world record: 9'4" Wels Catfish
MADCAT Pro Staff Alessandro Biancardi (ITA) shocks the whole wels catfish world with a ????? monster caught in river Po a few days ago! Alessandro’s huge catfish beats the previous world record by 4cm and the fish is a result of 23 years of hard work! We’re sooo proud of you, Alessandro! Grazie! You have written history in the world of catfish angling! Read how Alessandro described his incredible adventure below!
World Fishing Network Features “Reel Bass Mondays”
Ultimate Match Fishing to Major League Fishing Cups. Every Monday, celebrate America’s favorite fish – largemouth bass, as well as smallmouth bass with some of the most skilled anglers on TV today.
IGFA Women’s Line Class World Record for the species
This record is currently pending and under review.
The Reel Life on World Fishing Network
From checking out the latest boat gear and technology to spearfishing in rough waters, anything is possible on World Fishing Network