Catching up with Swimbaiter247 Butch Brown
In most years, famed trophy bass hunter Butch Brown can stick close to home and have a shot at a monster bass every time he fishes.
The Butch Brown Way to Swimbaiting Summer to Fall
Brown is a meticulous record taker and logs the hours he spends on the water in pursuit of giants. During one summer, he logged 280 hours throwing traditional soft plastic trout imitators.
#FBF to Butch Brown Tips for the Thumper Tail
Brown classifies the bait as “old school” and says he was given one in the mid-90’s from the owner of Optimum Baits. “I was fishing from shore and he threw it up to me,” recalls Brown. The bait was a success and Brown created his own mold of the bait and made modifications in colors, weighting and hook placement. He makes a point of molding successful baits in the event that are no longer made.
Butch Brown Swimbait Tips: Fishing the Thumper Tail
In the world of swimbait fishing Butch Brown stands apart from the crowd of trophy hunters. The numbers of fish over 10 pounds he has to his credit is mindboggling – 1,500 bass over that magical mark. He also has a personal best of 19-pounds, 3-ounces and countless “teeners”.
Mod Butch Rig & Thumper Tail Action #Optimum
Mod butch rigging a 68 hud and a savage gear 3d trout. Also tested a 9" BassCandy Trout. Fun rainy day tinkering with baits.
Butch Brown Behind the Scenes of the Thumper Tail #Optimum
Upon first glance, you may be quick to say that this long paddle tail trout looks just like the original Optimum swimbait. Well the truth is, you are not wrong. But aside from looks, the Thumper Tail is a completely new bait with a long history of catching giant southern Californian bass behind it.
Fishing Swimbaits? Deps Butch Brown ThumperTails and Slide Swimmers | Available Now!
Deps slide swimmer in butch brown bluegill. Both 175 and 250. Available at Last Chance Tackle
Debut of Butch Brown's Thumper Tail Swimbait | Optimum
Debut of the redesigned, hand-poured Butch Brown's Thumper Tail Swimbait at Bass-A-Thon by Optimum
Hot from the deps factory… Floating Bullshooter 160 and BB Bluegill SlideSwimmer 175 & 250
Deps gave you a tease at icast, but they have finally arrived. The Bullshooter 160 Floating Model is now in stock!
Got this bait from you personally at Bass-A-thon | It's COMING! What will you get?
The Optimum Baits and their collective brands will be at the event as well. Noted swimbait angler Butch Brown will be in attendance to answer questions about his favorite lures. Optimum will also be releasing the highly anticipated Butch Brown Thumpertails.
First Look: What’s New with Optimum, Ima, Deps, Reins and More
Probably the biggest release for these brands was the swimbaits they added to the Optimum lineup. The Boom Boom swimbait and Butch Brown Thumper Tail were teased prior to ICAST and social media was buzzing.
Last Chance Tackle TECHLOG How To: Hook Swap Info for Deps Slide Swimmer
When and how to swap hooks featuring a Deps Slide Swimmer.
Butch Brown illustrating how the new deps Bullshooter 160 works on California Bass
Butch Brown illustrating how the new deps Bullshooter 160 works on California Bass The deps Bullshooter 160 is a new concept Bluegill profiled Glide Bait. With a simple steady retreive the swimbait traces back n forth in a "S" motion enticing strikes.