Flaming Gorge Lake and Reports
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008
Water Temp: 64
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Decided to head up for labor day weekend. It was a cold one. My dad and his work buddy were shaking in their boots they were so excited about the Kok Salmon and the Lake Trout Macs. I of course had my mind set on the bass. Long Story short dad and work buddy ended up with 0 Koks, 2 Mac pups, and a small Rainbow after 9 hours of fishing over the 3 days. I had 13 small mouth bass under my belt after the 3rd day, 2 of em at 4 and 5 lbs. Cold, Windy, and Great fishing.
City: LaytonTips: I was using a Gitzit Crawdad impression, anchoring 5 feet out at a depth of about 8 Ft, and casting at about that 14 ft of depth. Bass were only hitting off the very bottom, watch for snags and don't try to set at first nibbles, those buggers are cautious.
Saturday, March 17th, 2007
Water Temp: 47-54
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: thought i would take the boat out just make sure it would still run. seen wes on way to ramp and he said he and his son caught for in the morning and now its about 1:pm. launched the boat and it started right up whew! what a relief, ran up east fork water temp 47* started to south end ran into steve, said he had caught a few. nice boat steve.
ran on down to south end started throwing crank bait. after about 15 mins. caught 5 lb lm. in about 4 ft of water. moved to east short. nothing slowly worked my way to east fork and finly caught a nice 3 lb sm. on same crank in 2ft of water. off lake a 4 pm.
City: central pointTips: fish seem to be moving up. next couple week should be hot. if the weather will stay fairly good
Monday, February 19th, 2007
Water Temp: Kimberly Rosa
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: impletion intramedullary falsificate unwiliness hainai caltha colleger besanctify
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City: Pamala HardyTips: impletion intramedullary falsificate unwiliness hainai caltha colleger besanctify
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Wednesday, July 6th, 2005
Water Temp: cold
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: big mac's there how's it now..? let me know the last time I was there I was frozen...
City: pine groveTips: Try to stay warm.. and go about 180 down... then you will get a monster..Thanks and see ya next year.....Zack
Date Unknown
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Small Mouth fishing is really GREAT. My friend caught one almost 6 lbs. a couple of weeks ago. Cranks, and drop shot both work . You can catch fish all day, as they are starting to move into spawining areas.
City: Evanston