Winnner Announced in Randy Howell's 2017 Triton Giveaway
Thank YOU TO ALL THAT helped make a difference!!
Retail Sales up on Powerboats by 4.5 Percent for 2017
The latest version of the NMMA Data Dashboard -- the interactive report containing boat and outboard engine wholesale and retail sales statistics, and trends in associated economic and related-industry (e.g., RVs) metrics with graphs illustrating recent and historical trends -- is now available.
Sacramento Fisherman's Warehouse Thursday Seminars For May 2017
Sacramento Fisherman's Warehouse Thursday Seminars For May 2017 05/04 Sturgeon Fishing with "delta pro" Dave Hammon
15 Big PNW Largemouth Caught in 2017
With the ice giving way to the 2018 Pacifc Northwest bassin' season, WesternBass celebrates some of the last year's PNW largemouth and the anglers that caught them. Congratulation guys!
2017 B.A.S.S. AOY Brandon Palaniuk Featured in Mossy Oak “Elements” Web Series
From Mossy Oak Capture Digital Productions, Episode 5 of “Elements” features Brandon Palaniuk, 2017 B.A.S.S. Angler of the Year, as he discusses his life as a professional bass fisherman and the journey he took to get there.
West Coast Paddleboarder Catches Unusual Shark Fishing On Cam
A California man filmed some unusual shark fishing when he was out on a paddleboarding trip near San Diego over the weekend.
Oroville Fish Getting Smaller Year After Year 2018 vs. 2017 vs. 2016 WWBT Team Results
Large fields and a 7 fish limit in early January each of the last three years give us the opportunity to really see what has been going on at Oroville. Some of these numbers are remarkably telling.
Mossy Oak Fishing Adds 2017 Bassmaster AOY Brandon Palaniuk
Mossy Oak’s Fishing Team is growing with the addition of Brandon Palaniuk, three-time Bassmaster Elite Series Champion and 2017 Angler of the Year.
10 Big PNW Smallmouth Caught in 2017
10 of the big smallies that came out of the Pacific NorthWest in 2017.
Watch the TV Broadcast Now | Wild West Bass Trail | 2017 Shasta
The first stop on the 2017 WWBT we head to Lake Shasta outside of beautiful Redding, CA.
Watch TV Broadcast of WWBT Shasta 2017 Here
It debuted last week on the pursuit channel, now click to watch it here... 2017 WWBT Shasta Pro/Am.
Last Teener of 2017
Todd Beaty caught a largemouth bass from Chickamauga Lake that weighed 14.53 pounds - just 11 ounces shy of the current state record largemouth
Comprehensive Delta Fishing Report | Last Report of 2017 Dec 30
Happy New Year is just ahead! Still very little pressure from anglers on the river this week,. Great tides combined sunny days ahead to be setting as the winter bite we’ve had This Season.. Still there is some really cool water and tough bites
Brandon Palaniuk | The Series | 2017 AOY Championship
BMP Fishing: The Series | 2017 AOY Championship I decided 21yrs ago that I wanted to become a professional angler on the Bassmaster Elite Series and dreamed of winning an Angler of the Year title. After years of hard work, passion, and dedication my dreams depend on the final tournament of the 2017 season. Watch as I capture those dreams and win my first Angler of the Year title. This is just the beginning!
Fishing Oroville Lake This Week
Now 701.57 feet, right where the water was when Fish were hanging on a drop off about a month ago. Looks like we got a fair boost in water, up 12.11 feet from low water mark a few weeks ago.
Yamamoto-PepperJigs 2017 Season Closer
The final tournament of the Yamamoto-PepperJigs Opens held on Lake Powell, November 11 & 12, 2017. Join us next season for exceptional payouts and awesome fishing!
Mark Daniels Jr. | Lake Sam Rayburn Bass Elite 2017
Bass Master Elite Series TBTF on Lake Sam Rayburn 2017. A highlight reel of a few catches that week. They went crazy on the Missile bait D-bomb in Bruiser Flash that week. Definitely the funniest event of the year for me.
Fishing Report Oroville Lake This Week 11/17/2017
Got an early launch, not a single trailer in the lost, first on the lake as usual, right at 6:30 am. Slight breeze, ended up a picture perfect day on the water. Headed to N. Fork, found 2 bucks dead center of the beginning of north fork, kind of main lake, looking for ladies on the other side.