John Martin Lake and Reports
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Friday, April 30th, 2004
Water Temp: 58
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: The lake was very low to low for big bass boats. fishing for bass was very slow. wipper was also slow crappie and channel cat was good to exelentwith the droping water level I will be discouraged to go back for a while so if your a bass fisher I would think twice. if any one finds out diffrent please post it.
City: puebloTips: with most of the traditional bass structure out of the watter it is my best thought to fish points and rip rap with a couple of difrent baits try crawdad and shad colored crank baits in 4 to 12 foot of waterand also try senko type baits in either pumpkin or white colors. also dont forget if you are equiped with a flip'n stick to flip a pig and jig at any standing structure you can find.