John Day Lake and Reports
Sunday, September 18th, 2016
Water Temp: The river was in the 70's
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Sept.12th thru Sept.16th. 2016, Fished the John day River again out of Spray Or. My son Cody, my best friend Hugh from L. A. and my brother Larry. We camped at the Spray city park. the water was low, but had enough flow for our pontoon boats. The small mouth fishing was fantastic as always, tubes, sencos, and lizards were the ticket. Every one had at lease 3 or 4 fish in the 4/5 lb range. It wasn't unusual to each catch 30/40- 2 pounders every day! We ate and drank like Kings. What a spot to reflect with family and friends.
Until next year
RandyTips: Take your kids fishing when ever you can, the pay back is ten fold!
Tuesday, September 15th, 2015
Water Temp: 70
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fished the John Day River, for three days. camped at the Spray city park. The water was low and slow. Fishing was the best I'd ever seen. Brother Larry his son Taylor and my son Cody made the trip one of the best times I have had with my son. Average smallie was over 2 lbs. My personal best, 4 smallies at or over 6lbs. 50 fish days for the each of us. Sencos and lizzards worked the best.
Good fishing, great company ,beautiful scenery, thank you dear lord for family.
Si Perkins
Thursday, June 21st, 2012
Water Temp: 68
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Fished for 4 days out of spray Ore. lots of 1 1/2 lbs smallies. 2 fish over 4lbs. by my son Cody. service creek to tekinham bridge was the best float. lizards and sencos were the ticket. Great week of fishing, thanks Dr. Pat
City: lakeview ore.
Saturday, June 26th, 2010
Water Temp: 60's
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fished the river for 4 days out of Spray Ore.Fishing was great lots of 1 1/2 and 2 lbs smallies. 4" green lizards,and black panther martins spinners were the ticket. 20+ fish days.My brother landed a nice 23" 6 pounder caught and released of course. Good time had by all. Si
City: lakeview ore.Tips: Be sure to release any thing over 1 1/2 lbs.
Thursday, October 27th, 2005
Water Temp: 65
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: caught 25 keepers with 5 fish over 3lbs all on crank baits 12-15 feet deep was a good calm day and the fish were biting
Saturday, October 1st, 2005
Water Temp: Lula Barr
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: lcm0vcc05dhwmkke
<a href= >fvegpgi zhfdy</a>
<a href= >mediz nuvt</a>
<a href= >xbkso xnugkjkx</a>
<a href= >nwbyqqr wxna</a>
City: Katy BondTips: lcm0vcc05dhwmkke
<a href= >wjulwai nnfu</a>
<a href= >yjduypr qdcmpdep</a>
<a href= >yklskw nyeuatpy</a>
<a href= >tdvzp ixvaece</a>
Monday, August 29th, 2005
Water Temp: warm
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Here I'll lead by exanple today my dad and I hit the river and just nailed them I caught 105 and my dad caught 106 all on fly rods and all on topwater (Can't complain about that!) the fish hit poppers and sneaky petes in greens and black.
Good luck and tight lines
City: Bend
Friday, November 19th, 2004
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Hey,you guys please submit your reports. I don't care what you have to say just tell us something!!! If the fishing sucked than tell us what didn't work. If you just killed 'em and the fishing was great than share the wealth. I know that this site can work, my friends and I used it for years down in California. So, please spare alittle of your time and tell the rest of us whats going on out on the water. Post your tournement score brag about big fish you caught, I don't care just submit a report, please.
Thank you and good fishing.
Friday, September 15th, 2000
Water Temp: 64
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fishing on Saturday, 9/9/00, was very tempermental. Bite came on about 11 AM and lasted about an hour. Took 4 (3 Smallies, 1 Largemouth) in the 2+ lb range. All ish came in water range rom 10 to 20 eet. Bite was either very subtle or like a locamotive. Wind was 25+ MPH gusting to 40 MPH
City: Oak HarborTips: Water was very clear. Used dark colors moving slowly.