Lower Columbia River and Reports
Saturday, January 16th, 2010
Water Temp: 55.8
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: LOts of trash still on the lake so be VERY careful with speeds. Tress flaoting in Vasques big enough to make a good size bonfire!
One keeper on a drop shot in Whittenburg
Give it a few days to clear up. Back of lake is pretty heavy with sediment upto 8 feet thick
City: SM
Saturday, May 14th, 2005
Water Temp: 56
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: Had a tournament this weekend the fishing was great. The Willamette was washed out so we headed up the columbia toward reed island. Everything was a bit flooded out so as the day progressed the water started to drop and the fishing got better and better. We caught about 35 fish lost about another 10 and won the tournament with almost 14 pounds.
City: LyleTips: I recommend fishing any shallow areas with a little bit of deeper water nearby such as a ditch or channel. Try working the shallows first then work the deeper water nearby if that fails. We caught fish on everything but our better fish came off of split shotting brush hawgs.
Good luck.
Friday, November 19th, 2004
Water Clarity: Muddy (0-2 foot visibility)
Report: Hey,you guys please submit your reports. I don't care what you have to say just tell us something!!! If the fishing sucked than tell us what didn't work. If you just killed 'em and the fishing was great than share the wealth. I know that this site can work, my friends and I used it for years down in California. So, please spare alittle of your time and tell the rest of us whats going on out on the water. Post your tournement score brag about big fish you caught, I don't care just submit a report, please.
Thank you and good fishing.
Oh and thanks Mark for posting your info. I've heard Craine Prairie(largemouth) and the John Day(smallmouth) are pretty decent but I don't know where Grenshaw is, so I hope thate helps.
Friday, September 10th, 2004
Water Temp: ?
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: I have been fishing just off marine Dr the past couple of weeks just west of 122nd near the log poles you see sticking out of the water and have caught a few smallies that were pretty small but did land a couple around a pound or so ( still pretty small )I was using grubs in colors white,black and pumpkin and seem to have the best luck with black. Can someone tell me the best place to go bass fishing for a chance at catching some good size bass very close to Gresham. I would love to get my wife into some good bass action close to home. THANKS
City: Gresham
Friday, September 15th, 2000
Water Temp: 64
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fishing on Saturday, 9/9/00, was very tempermental. Bite came on about 11 AM and lasted about an hour. Took 4 (3 Smallies, 1 Largemouth) in the 2+ lb range. All ish came in water range rom 10 to 20 eet. Bite was either very subtle or like a locamotive. Wind was 25+ MPH gusting to 40 MPH
City: Oak HarborTips: Water was very clear. Used dark colors moving slowly.