Oxbow Lake and Reports
- Anderson Ranch Lake
- Brownlee Lake
- Coeur D'alene Lake
- Dworshak Lake
- Lowell Lake
- Mud Lake
- Pend Oreille Lake
- Swan Falls Reservoir
- Arrowrock Lake
- Ben Ross Lake
- Black Lake
- Black Canyon Lake
- Bliss Lake
- Boise River
- Cave Lake
- Chatcolet Lake
- CJ Strike Lake
- Clearwater Lake
- Cocolalla Lake
- Crane Creek Lake
- Fernan Lake
- Hayden Lake
- Hayser Lake
- Hells Canyon Lake
- Killarney Lake
- Little Camas Lake
- Lower Salmon Falls Lake
- Medicine Lake
- Oxbow Lake
- Paddock Valley Lake
- Rose Lake
- Round Lake
- Snake River
- Upper Salmon Falls Lake
Monday, June 2nd, 2008
Water Temp: 60
Water Clarity: Stained (2-4 foot visibility)
Report: I know. I was not at CJ Strike this time!
We had a great time, LOTS of Bass, 100 - 150 for Monday & a few hours Tuesday. All small mouths. Most were females schooled up in 20 to 30 feet of water. We found them in eddies down stream of cliff points.
We also got 6-8 crappies only 1 eater size & 2 3 + pound cats.
We have sore arm for all of those fish but the longer drive will stop this from being on our have to do again soon list.
City: BoiseTips: Drop shoting was the key. The bights were light but the fights were good.
Thursday, April 17th, 2008
Water Temp: cold
Water Clarity: Clear (4+ foot visibility)
Report: Fished with small chartruse tubes and 2" chartruse flake senkos. Stayed about an hour and landed 40+ bass ranging from some small fish to several over 3lbs. Hard to get bass with so many crappie in the lake. I was fishing near McCormick park on the shore between the bridge and the boat dock.
City: Mountain HomeTips: Slow retrieve, toss upsteam and let it drift down, bites are on the drop or the lift and tended to be fierce.